Founder's Day Celebrations @Banyan Tree School, Lodhi Road

Founder's Day Celebrations @Banyan Tree School, Lodhi Road

The air was filled with joy and nostalgia as the students of Banyan Tree School and members of the IILM family came together to celebrate the 92nd birth anniversary of Dr. Kulwant Rai, the founder and chairperson emeritus of the institutions. Founder’s day 2016 was celebrated with much enthusiasm in the school. The day began with a school assembly where the Head Boy and the Head Girl shared the vision of Dr. Kulwant Rai with the students. Tribute was paid through a Saraswati Vandana and the shloka chanting. The students were given a chocolate each while returning to their classrooms. To add fun and excitement to the day, Spectrum was organised where each child participated in an activity of his/her interest and showcased their talent.

A special programme was organised in the auditorium. Smt. Nimmi Kanwar was the guest of honour. The programme started with the lighting of the lamp accompanied with shloka invoking the blessings of the Almighty.

Mrs Ranjana Negi, Principal Banyan Tree School, Lodhi Road in her welcome address paid tribute to Dr. Kulwant Rai. Welcoming all on the 92nd Birth Anniversary of Dr. Kulwant Rai she mentioned Dr. Kulwant Rai’s abiding passion for education and his vision to take education to all. His endearing quality of welcoming everyone with a smile spread positive energy everywhere. The faculty remembers him as a ‘visionary’ who guided all with his innovative thoughts and ideas.

The students at Banyan Tree School, Lodhi Road put up a spectacular cultural event to pay tribute and honour his Vision.The celebrations included a heartwarming performance by the tiny tots invoking the blessings of Lord Ganesha and hailing his auspicious presence through a dance.Krishna Janam leela was displayed through a soulful and graceful Kathak performance. Indian Music choir paid tribute by singing Bhajansclose to Dr. Kulwant Rai’s heart.

The guest of honour Smt. Nimmi Kanwar, a Bal Vikas Guru and close family friend who has had a long association of working alongside Dr.Kulwant Rai. Ms Nimmi Kanwar, esteemed guest of honour, for the day remembered him as one of the pioneers in establishing educational set up with the motto- ‘Let each child excel in his/her own way . She shared her memories of her association with the journey of Banyan Tree School over the years. In her message she asked all to fulfill a dream in their lifetime the way Dr. Kulwant Rai had achieved. At a time when establishing schools was not a foremost endeavour for many Dr. Kulwant Rai was one of the few visionaries who decided to take education to all and for all.

Smt. Nmmi Kanwar shared how Dr.Kulwant Rai encouraged everyone and his involvement and participation in every programme that were put up in school and also events organised by Sri Sathya Sai Organisation. She recalled his work in setting up the Roshini Rai School for the under privileged and her own days of having participated in the school activities as a Bal Vikas Guru. Smt Kanwar emphasised Dr Kulwant Rai’s generosity, and humility for the less fortunate and how this touched every one he met.

Her message to the faculty was very beautiful. She said that a teacher attains ‘moksha’ by just deciding to be with and working for the well being of the students. She mentioned that the educators are blessed with values and through their experiences and innovative techniques of teaching they have achieved true ‘moksha’. She further guided the school to involve the bal vikas principles and imbibe moral values.

The programme closed with the chanting of Om Sai Namoh Namah’, and paying tribute to Dr. Kulwant Rai for his remarkable leadership, integrity, deep devotion and magnificent generosity which we all acknowledge with profound gratitude and respect.

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