Bachelor of Business Administration
a. Registration & Hostel Occupation: 30 & 31 Jul 2024
b. Orientation commencement: 01 Aug 2024
BBA (Hons.) - General (Finance/HR/Marketing)
Specializations in
- Human Resource
- Finance
- Marketing
BBA (Hons.) - Banking and Finance
Specializations in
- Banking Operations
- Risk Management
- Investment Banking
- Financial Markets
- Corporate Finance
BBA (Hons.) - Entrepreneurship
Specializations in
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Design Thinking
- Entrepreneurial Marketing
- Start your startup (Incubation lab)
- Venture Capital and Financing
- Product Management for startups
- Management of Technology and Innovation
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial Growth and Strategy
BBA (Hons.) - Artificial Intelligence
Specializations in
- Introduction to ML and AI
- Big Data and Cloud Computing
- Foundation of Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Machine Learning applications
- Introduction to generative AI
- AI in Marketing and Customer Analytics
- Human Data Visualization with powerBI/Tableau
- The Future of AI
- Design Thinking
- Privacy, Ethics and Regulations in AI
BBA (Hons.) - International Business
Specializations in
- International Business Environment
- International Marketing
- Cross-cultural Management
- International business strategy
- International Logistics
- Global Supply Chain Management
- International Trade and Finance
- Foreign Exchange Management
- Global Business Negotiations
- International Trade Laws and Regulations
BBA (Hons.) - Business Analytics
Specializations in
- Introduction to Business Analytics
- Database Management System and Data Warehousing
- Big Data and Analytics
- Predictive Analytics
- HR Analytics
- Data Analysis SQL
- Data Visualization with Power BI/Tableau
- Legal and Ethical Aspects of Analytics
- Design Thinking
- Supply Chain Analytics
BBA (Hons.) - Operations & Supply Chain
Specializations in
- Introduction to operations and supply chain management
- Role of operation strategy in Business strategy hierarchy
- Logistics Management
- Learn Six Sigma
- Purchasing and Materials Management
- Demand Planning and Forecasting
- Project Management
- Global Operations Management
- Emerging Trends in Operations & Supply Chain
- Analytics in Operations & Supply Chain
BBA (Management Technology)
Specializations in
- Introduction to Information Technology
- Technology Strategy
- Big Data and Cloud Computing
- Entrepreneurship and Technology Ventures
- Introduction to Fintech (focusing on web3)
- Introduction to ML and AI