
Changing Role of HR – Perspective of HR Analytics

HR analytics, is analysis used to make better decisions about all aspects of HR strategy with the goal of improving business performance.The future of HR analytics depends on integration within a company.The current state of HR analytics for predicting for its future suggests that the future of HR analytics depends heavily on data integration with […]

Bitcoin & Litecoin: A contentious bid

INTRODUCTION Bitcoin has been in news for a couple of years now.If you are fascinated by virtual reality or virtual gaming, you will be excited to know about virtual currency. What is virtual currency? Can one feel this currency? Where do you get this type currency? Let’s find out more about this novel technology by […]

Book Review : The Geography Of Transport Systems

Book Review THE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMS By Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Claude Comtois and Brian Slack Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) (2016) Mobility is fundamental to the socio-economic development of a geography. Transportation has become such an integral part of our daily lives that we as consumers are not able to clearly see transportation as a […]

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