Dr Tania Sen is a faculty of Sociology at the School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at IILM, Gurugram. Her specialization is in sociology, with her area of expertise being sociology of knowledge, sociology of culture, social construal of modernity and critical theories. Before joining IILM, she was a guest faculty at TISS Guwahati. Dr. Sen’s academic rigor and curiosity were further enriched by her participation in various international conferences and workshops. She has presented her work in the annual conferences by Royal Anthropological Institute, Indian Sociological Society, and Development Studies Association, to name a few. In June 2023, she was invited as a visiting scholar and guest lecture at TU Dortmund to discuss research collaborations. These experiences allowed her to engage with scholars from diverse backgrounds and solidified her interest in public dialogues around contemporary global challenges. She actively participates in professional associations like the Indian Sociological Association, the Development Studies Association and the International Sociological Association, advocating for inclusive and decolonial approaches in sociological research.