B.A. (Hons.)

DURATION: 3+1 Years
ELIGIBILITY: 10+2 level from any recognized board in India or Overseas with at least 50% marks in aggregate.


The B.A. Hons. programme at the School of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts at IILM University is a unique and transformative educational journey. With a rich tapestry of pure majors including Psychology, Economics, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Design, Journalism & Mass Communication, and History, students have the opportunity to specialize in their chosen area of interest, diving deep into the intricacies of each field.
What sets our program apart is the freedom we provide to our students to choose their own subjects within a broad range of disciplines, ranging from History to International Relations to English to Media Studies etc, under our unique “build your own degree” program. It truly fosters and embraces interdisciplinary learning and allows students to combine knowledge from multiple disciplines, creating a holistic educational experience that enriches their minds and equips them with versatile perspectives.
The program’s overarching objective is to provide a well-rounded education, fostering critical thinking, ethical values, and a commitment to social responsibility. Acreddit to our unique multidisciplinary curriculum, dynamic faculty guidance, collaborative projects, and interactive seminars, we ensure graduates excel in a rapidly changing world and make a meaningful impact on society, transcending disciplinary boundaries.

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Year-wise Curriculum Overview

Throughout the four-year journey, students are encouraged to engage in extracurricular activities, internships, and research projects that enhance their academic experience and broaden their horizons. This year-wise curriculum overview ensures a well-rounded education that combines specialization in their chosen major with interdisciplinary perspectives, practical experiences, and a strong foundation in liberal arts.

Year 1: Foundation and Exploration

  • Year one serves as the foundation, introducing students to the basics of their chosen major and the core principles of liberal arts education.
  • Students explore fundamental concepts, develop critical thinking skills, and engage in foundational coursework that provides a strong academic base.
  • The curriculum includes introductory courses in their major, general education courses such as Principles of Science, Literary and Cultural Studies, Indian Economy, Society and Polity, and foundational courses in interdisciplinary subjects.

Year 2: Specialization and Skill Development

  • In the second year, students delve deeper into their chosen major, building a more comprehensive understanding of their field of study.
  • They also have the opportunity to select elective courses such as ‘Digital Humanities’, ‘Performing Arts’, ‘Diaspora Studies’ that align with their interests and career goals, allowing for a more specialized focus.
  • Skill development becomes a central focus, with courses that enhance critical thinking, research, and practical skills relevant to their major.

Year 3: Interdisciplinary Exploration

  • The third year marks the introduction of interdisciplinary subjects, where students can opt for subjects like Politics, Philosophy & Economics, English & Creative Writing, or Media Studies.
  • This year emphasizes the value of interdisciplinary learning, with coursework that integrates knowledge from multiple fields.
  • The curriculum includes advanced courses in the major, interdisciplinary subjects, and elective courses to further refine their academic journey.

Year 4: Advanced Specialization and Research

  • In the fourth and final year, students enter an advanced phase of their academic journey, where they delve deeper into the specialized knowledge of their major.
  • The curriculum offers a wide array of advanced courses that allow students to refine their expertise, encouraging critical thinking, analytical skills, and a deep understanding of their field.
  • A significant emphasis is placed on research and independent inquiry, with students undertaking research projects, dissertations, or theses in their chosen majors.

Programme USP's

  • Build Your Own Degree: At SSS-LA, we empower students with the flexibility to customize their education. With our “Build Your Own Degree” option, students can combine subjects of their choice, creating a personalized degree that aligns with their unique interests and career goals. This tailored approach allows students to pursue their passions and gain a competitive edge in a field that resonates with their aspirations.
  • Interdisciplinary Excellence: Our program excels in fostering interdisciplinary learning. Students can seamlessly bridge the gap between various academic disciplines, gaining a comprehensive understanding of complex issues. By merging knowledge from different fields, they emerge as well-rounded individuals ready to tackle multifaceted challenges in an ever-evolving world.
  • Real-World Relevance: We go beyond classroom learning by offering practical experiences, internships, and industry exposure. This hands-on approach ensures that our graduates are not only academically competent but also professionally ready to step into their chosen careers with confidence and competence.
  • Global Perspectives: With a focus on global awareness, we encourage students to engage with diverse cultures, international issues, and global challenges. This global perspective enriches their education and prepares them to contribute meaningfully to a connected world, making a positive impact on both local and global communities.

Admission Eligibility Criteria/ Procedure

Admission to B.A. (Hons.) programme is made based on the merit followed by an interview.

List of Pure Majors under BA Hons.

Our Journalism major provides an immersive experience in storytelling and media, fostering expertise in reporting, writing, and multimedia production, while emphasizing the critical role of mass media in India’s democracy, covering electronic, print, and online journalism.

The B.A. (Hons.) program in Journalism & Mass Communication offers a comprehensive exploration of media practices, communication theories, and storytelling techniques, preparing students for dynamic careers in journalism, broadcasting, digital media, and public relations. By immersing students in hands-on experiences and theoretical insights, this program nurtures critical thinking, effective communication, and ethical decision-making, equipping students with the necessary skills to navigate the rapidly evolving media landscape. Through modules focusing on news reporting, media ethics, digital storytelling, and media production, students develop practical expertise in content creation, audience engagement, and media management, essential for roles in media organizations, advertising agencies, and corporate communication departments. Rooted in the broader context of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, this program encourages interdisciplinary exploration, cultural awareness, and a holistic understanding of the impact of media on society and culture.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 Introduction to Journalism and Mass Communication – Overview of the history and evolution of journalism and mass communication.
– Understanding the role of media in society and its influence on public opinion.
– Analysis of ethical principles and professional standards in journalism.
– Introduction to the fundamentals of media writing and reporting.
2. Media Law and Ethics – Exploration of legal and ethical considerations in media practice.
– Understanding media regulations and their impact on journalistic practices.
– Analysis of freedom of speech and press in the context of media law.
– Evaluation of ethical dilemmas and decision-making in media environments.
3. News Reporting and Editing – Hands-on training in news gathering, writing, and editing. – Understanding the principles of objective reporting and journalistic integrity.
– Analysis of newsroom operations and editorial decision-making.
– Application of digital tools and platforms in modern news reporting.
4. Digital Media and Multimedia Production – Introduction to digital storytelling techniques and multimedia production.
– Hands-on training in creating digital content for various platforms.
– Understanding audience engagement strategies and trends in digital media consumption.
– Application of multimedia tools and software in media production.
5 Public Relations and Corporate Communication – Understanding the role of public relations in managing organizational communication.
– Analysis of corporate communication strategies and crisis management.
– Application of public relations techniques in building brand image and reputation.
– Hands-on training in developing effective communication campaigns for diverse stakeholders..
6 Media Research and Analysis – Introduction to media research methodologies and data analysis. – Conducting qualitative and quantitative research in media studies. – Understanding the role of media research in audience analysis and media content development. – Application of research findings in media planning and decision-making.
7 Broadcast Journalism – Understanding the principles and practices of broadcast journalism.
– Hands-on training in scriptwriting, video production, and editing for television and radio. – Analysis of broadcast news presentation and storytelling techniques.
– Application of ethical standards and regulations in broadcast journalism.
8 Media Management and Entrepreneurship – Introduction to media management principles and organizational leadership.
– Understanding the business aspects of media organizations and entrepreneurship in the media industry. – Analysis of media economics, advertising, and revenue models.
– Hands-on training in developing media business plans and strategies for sustainability.

In our Psychology major, explore human cognition, social dynamics, and mental health, guided by experienced faculty, preparing for careers in counseling, research, or clinical psychology, while emphasizing interdisciplinary connections for a holistic understanding of the field.

The B.A. (Hons.) Psychology program is a transformative journey into the multifaceted realm of human behavior, cognition, and mental processes, offering students a profound understanding of psychological theories and research methodologies. By delving into topics such as cognitive psychology, abnormal behavior, and social psychology, this program equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary for careers in counseling, human resources, research, and mental health advocacy. Furthermore, it fosters personal growth by promoting self-awareness, empathy, and critical thinking, nurturing a deep understanding of human complexities and fostering meaningful interpersonal relationships. Students develop essential transferrable skills such as research analysis, communication, and empathy, which are invaluable across various professional fields such as healthcare, education, and social services. Rooted in the broader context of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, this program encourages interdisciplinary exploration, ethical reasoning, and a holistic understanding of human experiences and societal dynamics.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 Introduction to Psychology – Overview of the history and basic principles of psychology.
– Understanding research methods and experimental design in psychology.
– Analysis of the biological and cognitive foundations of behavior.
– Introduction to psychological assessments and measurements.
2. Cognitive Psychology
– Exploration of cognitive processes such as memory, attention, and problem-solving.
– Analysis of language, thinking, and decision-making.
– Understanding the role of cognitive psychology in everyday life and applications in various domains.
– Evaluation of cognitive development across the lifespan.
3. Abnormal Psychology – Examination of psychological disorders and their classifications.
– Understanding the etiology and treatment of mental health disorders.
– Analysis of the social and cultural implications of abnormal behavior.
– Evaluation of therapeutic interventions and approaches in clinical psychology.
4. Social and Cultural Psychology – Exploration of social behavior, attitudes, and group dynamics.
– Analysis of cultural influences on behavior and cognition.
– Understanding social perception, identity, and intergroup relations.
– Evaluation of the impact of social and cultural factors on mental health and well-being.
5 Developmental Psychology – Study of human development across the lifespan.
– Examination of cognitive, social, and emotional development in different life stages.
– Analysis of the impact of family, peers, and society on development.
– Understanding the theories of moral, emotional, and identity development.
6 Research Methods in Psychology – Understanding research design and methodologies in psychology.
– Application of statistical analysis in psychological research.
– Conducting and interpreting psychological research studies.
– Ethical considerations in psychological research and data analysis.
7 Applied Psychology – Application of psychological principles in various professional settings.
– Understanding the role of psychology in counseling, education, and organizational behavior.
– Analysis of psychological interventions and their applications in real-world contexts.
– Evaluation of ethical considerations and professional standards in applied psychology.
8 Psychology Capstone Project – Integration of knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program in a comprehensive research or applied project.
– Conducting independent research or practical applications in a chosen area of psychology.
– Presentation of findings and analysis in a professional and cohesive manner.
– Demonstration of critical thinking, research proficiency, and ethical decision-making in the field of psychology.

Our Economics major emphasizes economic theory, policy analysis, and market dynamics, fostering critical quantitative and analytical skills for finance, business, and research careers, ensuring students gain a comprehensive grasp of economic principles.

Economics (B.A. Hons.) is an enriching academic journey that equips students with a profound understanding of the forces driving our global economy. This program delves into economic theories, policies, and real-world applications, empowering students with the skills and knowledge to analyze, predict, and influence economic phenomena. By studying micro and macroeconomics, financial markets, international trade, and econometrics, students develop a comprehensive toolkit for dissecting complex economic issues. They gain the ability to make informed decisions and contribute to economic prosperity, making this program invaluable for aspiring economists, policymakers, and business leaders.

Beyond the professional benefits, this course fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and data analysis skills, enhancing personal growth and adaptability. B.A. (Hons.) Economics is an integral part of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, contributing to a well-rounded education that encourages a multidisciplinary approach to understanding our world. Graduates emerge with the ability to excel in various fields, from finance to public policy, and possess transferable skills in research, communication, and decision-making.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 Principles of Economics Introduction to economic concepts, theories, and models.
2 Macroeconomics Analysis of national and global economic trends, policies, and their impact.
3 Microeconomics Study of individual and market behavior, supply and demand, and pricing.
4 International Economics Exploration of international trade, exchange rates, and global economic relations.
5 Financial Economics Examination of financial markets, investment strategies, and risk management.
6 Econometrics Application of statistical methods to economic data for forecasting and analysis.
7 Public Policy Analysis Evaluation of economic policies, their implications, and their influence on society.
8 Senior Seminar in Economics Capstone course focusing on advanced topics, research, and critical discussions.

Our English major immerses you in literature, language nuances, and storytelling, fostering strong communication skills, creative expression, and critical analysis, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of English literary history and contemporary works, fostering deep appreciation for the field.

The English (B.A. Hons.) program offers an immersive exploration of literature, language, and communication, providing students with a deep appreciation of the written and spoken word. This course ignites a passion for literature, from classic to contemporary, and sharpens critical thinking and communication skills, which are invaluable both personally and professionally. Graduates emerge as skilled writers, eloquent communicators, and analytical thinkers, equipped to excel in diverse career paths such as publishing, journalism, education, and marketing. They also cultivate a deeper understanding of the human experience through literary exploration, enriching their lives on a personal level.

As a cornerstone of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, this program encourages interdisciplinary thinking and a broad perspective on culture and society. English (B.A. Hons.) nurtures transferable skills, including effective writing, research, critical analysis, and presentation abilities.

The English (B.A. Hons.) program offers a versatile foundation for students to pursue their passions and careers in the realm of language, literature, and communication.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 Literary Analysis Techniques for dissecting and interpreting literature from various genres and time periods.
2 English Language Studies Examination of the English language’s structure, history, and linguistic evolution.
3 Creative Writing Development of creative writing skills in fiction, poetry, and non-fiction.
4 Shakespearean Studies In-depth exploration of Shakespeare’s works and their cultural impact.
5 Modern Literature Study of 20th and 21st-century literature, including post-colonial and global perspectives.
6 Rhetoric and Persuasion Analysis of persuasive techniques and effective communication strategies.
7 Media and Communication Investigation of media literacy, mass communication, and the role of media in society.
8 Senior Seminar in English A capstone course focusing on advanced research, literary theory, and critical discussions.

Our History major delves into the intricate narratives of human civilization, providing a deep historical perspective, and preparing graduates for careers in research, education, archiving, cultural preservation, and consulting, enabling them to uncover the stories, events, and ideologies shaping our world.

The History (B.A. Hons.) program is an intellectual voyage through the annals of human experience, offering students a profound understanding of the past and its enduring impact on the present and future. This course is a gateway to exploring the rich tapestry of human history, from ancient civilizations to modern societies, and equips students with critical research, analytical, and communication skills that are both professionally and personally enriching. Graduates emerge as storytellers of our shared past, ready to embark on careers in academia, research, archiving, museum curation, law, and more.

In addition to career prospects, the program fosters empathy, a broadened cultural perspective, and a deeper appreciation of the complexities of the world. As a vital component of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, History (B.A. Hons.) promotes critical thinking, interdisciplinary study, and the development of transferable skills such as research, critical analysis, and effective communication.

The History (B.A. Hons.) program not only prepares students for diverse career paths but also fosters a profound connection to the human story and a set of skills that transcend time, making them well-rounded contributors to society.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 Ancient Civilizations Exploration of the rise and fall of early civilizations and their enduring legacies.
2 Modern History Study of major world events and societal changes from the 18th century to the present.
3 Historiography Analysis of historical writing, interpretation, and the evolution of historical perspectives.
4 Cultural and Social History Examination of the role of culture, society, and everyday life in shaping historical events.
5 Global History A global perspective on historical events, connecting local and international narratives.
6 Research Methods Training in historical research techniques, primary source analysis, and archival skills.
7 History of Ideas Study of influential intellectual and philosophical movements throughout history.
8 Senior Seminar in History A capstone course focusing on advanced research, historiographical debates, and critical discussions.

Our International Relations major offers comprehensive insights into global affairs, including politics, diplomacy, conflict resolution, and governance, preparing graduates for diverse careers in diplomacy, international organizations, global business, and security analysis.

The International Relations (B.A. Hons.) program is a comprehensive exploration of the complex interactions between nations and global actors, providing students with the tools to comprehend, analyse, and engage with the world’s ever-evolving political landscape. This course delves into diplomacy, global conflict, international law, and geopolitical dynamics, cultivating a deep understanding of international issues that benefit students both professionally and personally. Graduates emerge with the ability to navigate the intricacies of global affairs, opening doors to careers in diplomacy, international organizations, security, Foreign Service, and more.

Beyond professional advantages, the program fosters cultural competence, global awareness, and a holistic view of human society. As a cornerstone of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, International Relations (B.A. Hons.) encourages critical thinking, interdisciplinary study, and the development of transferable skills, including research, negotiation, and cross-cultural communication.

The International Relations (B.A. Hons.) program equips students to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world, making them well-prepared for careers in international diplomacy, policy analysis, and global affairs while fostering a deeper understanding of global dynamics on a personal level.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 International Politics Analysis of global power structures, state sovereignty, and the role of international organizations.
2 Diplomacy and Negotiation Study of diplomatic practices, negotiation techniques, and conflict resolution strategies.
3 Global Security Studies Exploration of international security issues, terrorism, and strategies for peace and stability.
4 International Law Examination of principles and applications of international law in the global political arena.
5 Political Economy of IR Study of the economic factors shaping international relations and trade among nations.
6 Foreign Policy Analysis Analysis of national foreign policies, their formulation, and their impact on international relations.
7 Global Governance A capstone course focusing on advanced research, policy analysis, and critical discussions in international relations.
8 Senior Seminar in IR A capstone course focusing on advanced research, policy analysis, and critical discussions in the field of political science.

Our Political Science major provides profound insights into political systems, global affairs, and diplomacy, preparing graduates for roles in government, international organizations, or political analysis, aiming to foster a comprehensive understanding of global political structures and power dynamics.

The Political Science (B.A. Hons.) program is a dynamic exploration of the theory and practice of politics, offering students a deep understanding of political systems, governance, and global affairs. This course provides students with the knowledge and critical thinking skills needed to navigate the complex world of politics, both professionally and personally. Graduates emerge as informed citizens, skilled analysts, and effective communicators, prepared for careers in government, international relations, public policy, and beyond.

Beyond professional benefits, the program fosters civic engagement, global awareness, and a sense of social responsibility. As an integral part of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, Political Science (B.A. Hons.) promotes critical thinking, interdisciplinary study, and the development of transferable skills, including research, analysis, and persuasive communication.

The Political Science (B.A. Hons.) program not only prepares students for careers in public service and diplomacy but also nurtures informed and engaged citizens, equipped with critical thinking skills that are invaluable in today’s rapidly changing world.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 Introduction to Politics An overview of political systems, theories, and key concepts in the field.
2 Comparative Politics Study of political systems worldwide, including analysis of democracies and authoritarian regimes.
3 International Relations Examination of global politics, international organizations, and diplomacy.
4 Political Philosophy Analysis of political ideologies, justice, and the foundations of political thought.
5 Public Policy Analysis Exploration of policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation in the public sector.
6 Political Research Methods Training in research techniques, data analysis, and the assessment of political data.
7 Political Economics Study of the economic factors shaping political decisions and public policies.
8 Senior Seminar in Political Science A capstone course focusing on advanced research, policy analysis, and critical discussions in the field of political science.

Our Philosophy major immerses students in fundamental questions about existence, ethics, and knowledge, fostering critical thinking and philosophical inquiry, enabling engagement in intellectual discourse, and preparing graduates for careers in academia, ethics, law, or analytical fields.

The Philosophy (B.A. Hons.) program is a profound exploration of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, morality, and the human experience. This course equips students with the ability to think critically, reason logically, and engage deeply with the world’s most profound ideas. Philosophical study benefits students both professionally and personally, fostering intellectual rigor and empathy. Graduates emerge with the capacity to excel in diverse career paths, including law, ethics, education, and business, where they bring clarity to complex issues and promote ethical decision-making.

Beyond the practical applications, this program encourages personal growth, self-reflection, and the development of a well-informed worldview. As a cornerstone of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, Philosophy (B.A. Hons.) promotes interdisciplinary thinking, encouraging students to approach problems from multiple angles. It cultivates transferable skills, including critical thinking, argumentation, ethical reasoning, and effective communication.

The Philosophy (B.A. Hons.) program not only equips students for various career opportunities but also encourages self-discovery and a lifelong engagement with deep intellectual and ethical questions, making graduates thoughtful and versatile contributors to society.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 Introduction to Philosophy An overview of key philosophical questions and thinkers throughout history.
2 Ethics and Morality Exploration of ethical theories, moral dilemmas, and the application of ethics in various contexts.
3 Epistemology Study of the nature of knowledge, belief, and truth, and the limits of human understanding.
4 Metaphysics Examination of the nature of reality, existence, and the fundamental structure of the universe.
5 Political Philosophy Analysis of political ideologies, governance, and the role of justice in society.
6 Philosophy of Mind Investigation of consciousness, perception, and the mind-body problem.
7 Philosophy of Science Study of scientific methodology, explanation, and the philosophy of the natural sciences.
8 Senior Seminar in Philosophy A capstone course focusing on advanced research, philosophical debates, and critical discussions.

In our Sociology major, explore societies, cultures, and human interactions, examining structures, inequalities, and cultural phenomena, empowering you to address contemporary social challenges through careers in research or advocacy, focusing on India’s diverse social structures.

The Sociology and Anthropology (B.A. Hons.) program offers a profound exploration of human societies, cultures, and behaviours, providing students with an enriched understanding of the complexities of human existence. This course equips students with the tools to analyse and interpret social structures, cultural practices, and human interaction, benefiting them both professionally and personally. Graduates emerge as social researchers, community advocates, and cultural analysts, prepared for careers in social work, human resources, public policy, or the non-profit sector.

Beyond professional opportunities, the program fosters a deeper appreciation for the diversity of human experience and the ability to engage with complex social issues. As a key part of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, Sociology and Anthropology (B.A. Hons.) encourages interdisciplinary thinking, promoting a holistic view of human society and culture. It also cultivates valuable transferable skills, including research, critical analysis, cross-cultural understanding, and effective communication.

The Sociology and Anthropology (B.A. Hons.) program not only prepares students for careers in social research and advocacy but also nurtures informed, culturally sensitive individuals who can make a meaningful impact on society and engage with the complexities of our world.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 Introduction to Sociology & Anthropology An overview of key concepts, theories, and methods in the field.
2 Cultural Anthropology Study of cultural diversity, ethnographic research, and the analysis of cultural practices.
3 Social Theory & Analysis Exploration of sociological and anthropological theories, their application, and social analysis.
4 Social Issues & Policy Examination of contemporary social issues and the development of policies for social change.
5 Research Methods & Ethics Training in social research techniques, data collection, and ethical considerations.
6 Global Perspectives Study of global societies, globalization, and the intersection of cultures and societies.
7 Social Change & Advocacy Analysis of social movements, advocacy strategies, and the role of individuals in social change.
8 Senior Seminar in Sociology & Anthropology A capstone course focusing on advanced research, critical discussions, and the integration of sociological and anthropological perspectives.

List of Interdisciplinary Majors under B.A Hons.

English & Creative Writing
Our B.A. (Hons.) in English & Creative Writing celebrates language and storytelling, nurturing creativity and refining literary talents, standing at the crossroads of traditional English studies and the innovative world of creative writing, igniting a passion for language, literature, and storytelling.

History & International Relations
Our B.A. (Hons.) in History & International Relations offers an invigorating exploration of interconnected human history and global affairs, cultivating critical thinkers and informed global citizens for shaping the future’s complexities and challenges.

Politics, Governance & Diplomacy
Our B.A. (Hons.) in Politics, Governance & Diplomacy offers an intellectual adventure through politics, governance, and diplomacy, providing a key to understanding, influencing, and shaping the world of international relations.

Politics, Philosophy & Economics
The Politics, Philosophy & Economics program fosters a holistic understanding of the world, exploring the intricate relationships between politics, philosophy, and economics, equipping students to analyze complex global issues and make informed decisions.

Sociology & Political Science
The Sociology & Political Science program explores the dynamic relationship between society and politics, cultivating a profound understanding of human behavior, societal structures, and political systems, fostering critical thinking, research skills, and social awareness.

Economics and History
The Economics & Finance program delves into financial markets, economic systems, and monetary policies, providing a profound comprehension of the interplay between economic elements and financial choices, crucial in the contemporary globalized economy.

English & Media Studies
The English & Media Studies program explores the convergence of language and media in contemporary society, providing students with a holistic understanding of how language, literature, and media shape our world.

International Relations & Law
The B.A. Hons. in International Relations & Law offers a comprehensive understanding of global relations and legal frameworks, merging political science, international affairs, and law, providing a unique exploration of international interactions and legal norms.

Ask Admissions staff all your questions
For PGDM/MBA Applicants
Nivedita Ghosh Roy
For the Undergraduate and MA Applicants
Aastha Kaushal
Admissions Open for 2025
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