Guest lecture on Raising Capital in Foreign Markets

Guest lecture on Raising Capital in Foreign Markets

A guest lecture was organized as part of the State and Society course for PG I students. The session was taken by Mr. Ashish Sharma , an alumni of IILM Graduate School of Management, batch 2008 – 2010.
Mr.Sharma is currently associated with Ernst and Young. Prior to this, he has worked with brands like, Copal Partners and Religare Financials.
The session started by analysing the need for raising capital. The two major reasons of raising capital : Personal and Business was discussed. The different avenues such as Establishment, Growth, CSR activities which are important for an organisation and require a lot of capital investment were thought as the major reasons for raising capital. The process of raising the capital which starts at Sourcing of Funds and ends at Implementation was discussed at length with the students. Mr. Ashish also discussed about the different sources of raising funds such as: IPO, FPO, Venture Capitalists, Private Equity, Bank loans, Family and friends and Crowd Funding etc. The role of various stakeholders in raising funds was also given emphasis. The role of government in maintaining stakeholder satisfaction and the importance of stakeholder satisfaction was also discussed. The students were also made to understand the difference between shareholders and stake holders. Ashish also spoke to the students about the legal formalities and how the funds that have been raised need to be utilised in the various domains.
A case study of Archcoal was also taken up in the session to make the students understand how stake holders interest was important and how an organisation could benefit from the stake holders. The case laid emphasis on restructuring the organisation as they filed for Bankruptcy. The organisation chose to involve various stakeholders like: Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Society, Government, Investors etc. to recover from bankruptcy.
The session was highly interactive and very informative. Mr.Sharma has expressed his interest in helping / guiding the students with their preparation in Final Placements and also to mentor our students. He has been very active in the past and has made significant contribution to IILM.

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