Message from the Registrar | COVID-19
Dear Students/Parents,
We would like to share with you the efforts at IILM University to maintain high standards of health and safety at the campus & hostel and towards ensuring continuity of education for all students.
Preventive Measures at University
We have initiated the following preventive measures at IILM University, Gurugram campus:
- Main Entry Gate No 1. All persons entering the campus will be checked by the Security Staff with Infrared Thermometer for anyone having symptom of fever or showing tendency for cough. Such persons will be stopped and not allowed entry into the campus, and Admin/ Registrar Sectt will be informed for further instructions. All persons entering the Gate will sterile their hands using sanitizer available at the Gate. All entry exit is from Gate No 1.
- Gate No 2, 3 & 4. This will remain closed till further orders. No persons are allowed to enter or leave from this Gates.
- Frequency of Environmental Disinfection and Cleaning.
- Office/ Library/ Cafeteria. The frequency of Environmental Disinfection like floor cleaning, wiping of most used surfaces such as lift, doors knobs, telephone handsets, corridors, cabins, toilets, cafeteria, etc has been increased from once to twice daily. The first round of cleaning is before 09:00 AM and the second round is between 01:00 – 2:00 PM. Standard disinfectant like freshly prepared Sodium Hypochlorite (2% – 10%) is sprayed all over or using 5 % Lysol.
- Girls and Boys Hostel Rooms. All the Girls & Boys hostel rooms have been fumigated and disinfected using appropriate and potent disinfectants, after its vacation by the students.
- Increased Hand Hygiene. All faculty & staff have been advised to wash their hands more frequently and use the sanitizer placed at the following locations:
- Faculty Lounge.
- Admission Cell.
- 2nd & 3rd Floor Board Room.
- Main Gate Guard Room.
- Cafeteria (Both locations).
- Registrar sect.
- Social distancing. This is being encouraged at the campus at all occasions, whether in meetings, cafeteria, Library, etc.
CONTINUITY OF EDUCATIONThe prevalent disruptive conditions created by the spread of COVID -19, has adversely affected all walks of life, including the Education System. These conditions do not permit continuation of education through the commonly practiced conventional means like classroom dissemination, workshops, etc at the Educational Institutions. Therefore, in order to maintain uninterrupted continuity of education at IILM University for our students, we have adopted various innovative methods available for online dissemination of courses and programs with the help of technology. Digital platforms like Zoom, Emails, LMS, etc are being utilized to facilitate uninterrupted continuation of our courses and programs. Course module plans, PPTs and other course content is being uploaded on LMS for the students to access and study.Mentors are ensuring that the mentees are connected throughout this period so as to address any concerns/queries of their mentees.
CONCLUSIONIILM University stands committed to ensure that it provides a healthy & safe environment to all personnel to work from the campus and enable efficient & uninterrupted continuity of education to all its students.
Best Wishes,Registrar,IILM University, Gurugram
Tackling COVID-19

Online Classes

Online Learning Management System

Mentee-mentor program now digital

Faculty/Staff Working remotely