Message from the Director | COVID-19
Dear Parents,
Greetings from IILM University!
In the past few weeks, the developments across the world have been impacting us immensely. The aggravation of COVID-19 in several parts of the world has raised a lot of health concerns. We want to reassure you and your ward that we have been pro-actively addressing the education and development needs as required.
A core team has been monitoring the situation very closely and is very proactive in decision making and implementation. You would be happy to learn that we have moved to online classes with the help of Zoom software and the response of students has been extremely encouraging. All classes are being conducted with this software as per the time table.
All scheduled exams due for the month of March would also be conducted online. We have prepared adequately to ensure a smooth conduct of online exams without a glitch. Detailed guidelines on this have been shared with the students by the examination department.
Our faculty members are sensitive to the situation and are available on phone, email and whatsapp to address any question on the subject. In addition, mentors are interacting regularly with their respective mentees and addressing their concerns of any kind. We seek your support to encourage your ward to make the best utilisation of the available resources. We are sure that our combined efforts will keep the morale high under these difficult circumstances.
I would like to conclude by mentioning that IILM University have always believed in a student centric approach and our students are our topmost priority at all the times. We promise to uphold this value and assure you safety, well-being and learning focus of your ward.
Thanking you for your continued trust and support.
Stay Safe and Healthy!
Best Wishes,Director,IILM University, Gurugram
Tackling COVID-19

Online Classes

Online Learning Management System

Mentee-mentor program now digital

Faculty/Staff Working remotely