Jurisprudential aspect of the Competition Act and its Relevance in the Current Scenario

  • Date & Time:
    • March 25, 2022
    • 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Venue:
    • Online
Jurisprudential Aspects of Competition_25th march 2022

The New Economic Policy of 1991 which brought about Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization of the Indian Economy, progressively widened the space for market forces and reduced the role of Government in business and various other economic sectors. It was realized that a new competition law was also called for because the existing Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969 (MRTP Act) had become obsolete in certain respects and that now there was a need to shift focus from curbing monopolies to promoting competition in the Indian market.

In today’s time and age, the relevance of the Competition Law has increased now more than ever.

Dr. Navdeep Singh Suhag, Deputy Director (Legal Department) of Competition Commission India will be talking about “Jurisprudential aspect of the Competition Act and its Relevance in the Current Scenario”. We invite one and all to participate in this wonderful upcoming session.

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2022-3-25 11:00 am 2022-3-25 12:00 pm Europe/London Jurisprudential aspect of the Competition Act and its Relevance in the Current Scenario Online
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