IILM B. Design School Programmes

IILM B. Design School Programmes

IILM University’s Bachelor of Design programs are meticulously crafted in accordance with the latest industry standards and academic guidelines. These programs align with the industry’s evolving demands and educational requirements, ensuring that our students receive a well-rounded and up-to-date education in the field of design. Our primary goal is to foster a culture of academic excellence and scholarly achievement among our students.

B. Design Specialization

Fashion Design & Management

  • Design Process & Research
  • Fashion History & Theory
  • Fashion Communication
  • Fashion Illustration & CAD
  • Fashion Styling
  • Draping
  • Luxury & Design
  • Fashion & AI
  • Retail & E-commerce
  • 3D CLO
  • Fabric Studies & Textiles
  • Pattern Development
  • Pattern Development-(Digital)
  • Garment Construction
  • Buying, Merchandising & Product Fundamentals
  • Fashion Marketing & Management
  • Internship
  • Portfolio Development
  • Final Graduation Project

Interior Design

  • Design Process & Research
  • History of Furniture Design
  • Technical Drafting Handmade Drawings & Sketching
  • Furniture Design & Details
  • Building Interior Service
  • Design Studio – Luxury Residence
  • Design Studio – Corporate/Retail
  • Design Studio – Studio Apartment
  • Introduction to Landscaping
  • Vastu
  • Design Studio-Farmhouse Design
  • Portfolio Development
  • Design for Social Impact
  • Final Graduation Project
  • Furniture Design
  • Building Technology & Services
  • Building Material & Construction Techniques
  • Interior Styling – Furnishing & Fittings
  • Internship
  • Portfolio Development
  • Final Graduation Project

Product Design & Management

  • Design Process & Research
  • Forms & Space
  • Product Drawing
  • Ergonomics and Human Factors
  • Materials and Manufacturing Processes
  • Product Visualization and CAD
  • Prototyping and Model Making
  • Design Studio – Simple Product
  • Design Studio – Packaging Design
  • Design Studio – Craft Experience
  • Design Studio – Complex Product
  • Product Styling and Aesthetics
  • Product Development and Innovation
  • User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI)
  • 3D Advanced Digital Technology
  • Design for Social Impact
  • Portfolio Development
  • Final Graduation Project
  • Internship
Foundation Term (common to all design specialization)
  • Visualization & Drawing Techniques – Drawing & Sketching
  • Material Exploration
  • Design Fundamentals
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