School of Social Science and Liberal Arts Foundation Courses

“Principles of Science” is a course designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the foundational principles that underpin the scientific method and the natural world. It equips students with critical thinking skills essential for evaluating empirical evidence, understanding research methodologies, and making informed scientific judgments. By delving into the intricacies of experimental design, data analysis, and interdisciplinary applications, students will develop a robust framework for assessing complex scientific problems. The modules of the course cover topics ranging from the nature of scientific inquiry, research methodologies, and data analysis to the integration of multiple scientific disciplines, ethical considerations, and the societal impacts of science.

This course is invaluable for personal growth, empowering individuals to make informed choices in an increasingly complex and data-driven world. For professional development, it opens doors to careers in research, education, environmental science, healthcare, and policy-making, where scientific literacy is a valuable asset.
“Principles of Science” greatly complements the broader framework of social sciences and liberal arts by providing a solid scientific foundation for understanding complex societal challenges, such as climate change, healthcare policy, and ethical dilemmas, and contributes to informed interdisciplinary discussions.

Module Descriptors:

S.No. Topic of the Session Topics to be Covered
1 Introduction to Science – Nature and principles of scientific inquiry.
– Historical development of scientific thought. – Scientific method and its applications.
– Role of scepticism and evidence in science.
2 The Physical Sciences – Fundamental laws of physics and their applications.
– Properties of matter and energy.
– Chemical reactions and their implications.
– Application of physical sciences in technological advancements.
3 The Life Sciences – Fundamentals of biological systems and their interactions.
– Principles of genetics and evolution.
– Ecosystems and their dynamics.
– Impact of life sciences on human health and environmental sustainability.
4 Earth and Environmental Sciences – Geophysical processes shaping the Earth’s structure.
– Climate dynamics and environmental changes. – Natural resource management and conservation.
– Global challenges and sustainability initiatives.
5 Scientific Inquiry and Research – Research methodologies and experimental design.
– Data collection, analysis, and interpretation techniques.
– Quality control and reproducibility in scientific research.
– Interpreting research findings and drawing conclusions.
6 The Interdisciplinary Nature of Science – Integration of multiple scientific disciplines in problem-solving.
– Cross-disciplinary approaches to complex scientific challenges.
– Interconnectedness of scientific fields and their impact on societal issues.
– Application of interdisciplinary knowledge in research and innovation.

Mathematical Thinking is a foundational course that nurtures an understanding of the fundamental principles of logical reasoning and problem-solving through the lens of mathematics. This course delves into the systematic analysis of patterns, abstraction, and generalization, fostering critical thinking skills applicable across various disciplines. It emphasizes the development of a structured approach to decision-making and fosters the ability to comprehend complex data, enhancing students’ analytical and quantitative reasoning abilities.

This course is pivotal for personal and professional growth as it cultivates a mindset essential for navigating modern-day challenges, from interpreting data in everyday life to making informed decisions in a professional environment. Students pursuing careers in fields such as data analysis, economics, engineering, computer science, and research will find this course particularly advantageous. It vitally contributes to the objective of interdisciplinary research and intellectual exploration at IILM’s School of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts. It greatly complements disciplines like psychology, economics, and philosophy by providing a quantitative foundation for analysing complex social phenomena.

Module Descriptors:

S.No. Topic of the Session Topics to be Covered
1 Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic – Introduction to the principles of mathematical logic.
– Propositional logic and its applications.
– Predicate logic and its significance in problem-solving. – Boolean algebra and its role in logical operations.
2 Patterns and Abstraction – Recognizing and analysing patterns in mathematical contexts.
– Abstract thinking and its role in problem-solving.
– Generalization of mathematical concepts and applications.
– Identifying mathematical sequences and series.
3 Problem-Solving Techniques – Implementation of various problem-solving strategies in mathematical scenarios.
– Creative problem-solving approaches and their applications.
– Algorithmic thinking and problem-solving.
– Real-world problem-solving using mathematical techniques.
4 Data Interpretation and Analysis – Interpretation and analysis of complex data sets using statistical tools.
– Understanding data trends and patterns.
– Data visualization techniques for effective representation.
– Drawing meaningful conclusions from data analysis.
5 Decision-Making Models – Understanding different decision-making models and their applications.
– Rational decision-making processes using mathematical tools.
– Ethical considerations in decision-making.
– Application of decision-making models to real-world scenarios.
6 Mathematical Modelling – Introduction to mathematical modelling and its significance.
– Application of mathematical models in solving real-life problems.
– Interpretation and analysis of mathematical models.
– Limitations and assumptions in mathematical modelling.

“Mind and Machines” is an innovative course that navigates the intriguing intersection of cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence, and human-computer interaction, offering students a comprehensive understanding of the evolving relationship between human cognition and technological advancements. By exploring topics such as cognitive science, machine learning, and the ethical implications of AI, this course equips students with a nuanced perspective on the potentials and limitations of integrating machines into human activities, fostering critical thinking and adaptability in the face of technological advancements. Students will benefit both professionally and personally by gaining insights into the complexities of human perception, decision-making, and the impact of automation, preparing them for careers in fields such as cognitive computing, user experience design, data analysis, and digital ethics. Rooted in the broader framework of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, this course encourages interdisciplinary exploration, ethical reasoning, and a holistic understanding of the societal implications of technology and human cognition.

Module Descriptors:

S.No. Topic of the Session Topics to be Covered
1 Foundations of Cognitive Science – Understanding the basics of cognitive psychology and human cognition.
– Exploring cognitive processes such as perception, attention, and memory.
– Analysing the impact of cognition on decision-making and problem-solving.
– Application of cognitive science principles in real-world scenarios.
2 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence – Overview of the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
– Examination of various AI techniques and their applications.
– Understanding the ethical considerations and challenges in AI development.
– Analysing the impact of AI on various industries and societal systems.
3 Human-Computer Interaction – Understanding the principles of human-computer interaction and user experience design. – Analysis of user-centred design approaches and usability testing.
– Exploring the role of interface design in enhancing human-machine interactions.
– Evaluating the psychological impact of technology on user behaviour and decision-making.
4. Cognitive Computing – Application of cognitive theories in the development of intelligent systems.
– Analysis of cognitive computing models and their role in problem-solving.
– Understanding the integration of cognitive computing in various technological applications. – Evaluation of the ethical implications of cognitive computing and AI.
5 Ethics and Governance in Technology – Exploration of ethical issues arising from the use of AI and cognitive technologies.
– Analysis of the societal impact of AI and technology on privacy, security, and social equality.
– Understanding the role of policy and governance in regulating AI and cognitive technologies.
– Evaluation of ethical frameworks for responsible technology development and deployment.
6. Future of Mind and Machines – Exploring emerging trends in cognitive science and AI research.
– Analysis of the potential societal, ethical, and economic impacts of future advancements in AI and cognitive technologies.
– Understanding the challenges and opportunities in the integration of AI and human cognition.
– Evaluation of the role of interdisciplinary collaboration in shaping the future of mind and machine interactions.

In line with the School of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts’ commitment to fostering a dynamic space for interdisciplinary dialogue and research, “Indian Economy, Society and Polity” serves as a comprehensive exploration of the intricate interplay between India’s socio-political landscape and its economic dynamics. This course offers a nuanced understanding of India’s economic policies, social structures, and political frameworks, delving into the historical context and contemporary developments shaping the nation. Emphasizing the analysis of policy implications, socio-economic disparities, and governance challenges, it equips students with a holistic perspective crucial for careers in public policy, international relations, social advocacy, and economic development. Furthermore, this course encourages personal growth by fostering cultural awareness, promoting critical thinking on societal issues, and nurturing a deeper understanding of the complexities of a diverse and evolving nation.

Module Descriptors:

S.No. Topic of the Session Topics to be Covered
1 Historical Foundations – Examination of India’s historical context and its influence on contemporary socio-political and economic structures.
– Understanding the evolution of India’s societal norms and cultural dynamics.
– Analysis of key historical events shaping India’s economy and political landscape.
– Assessment of historical policies and their impact on present-day scenarios.
2 Economic Policies and Reforms – Analysis of India’s economic policies and reforms over time.
– Evaluation of the implications of economic decisions on various sections of society.
– Understanding the role of economic reforms in shaping India’s development trajectory.
– Assessment of policy effectiveness and challenges in implementation.
3 Social Structures and Dynamics – Exploration of India’s intricate social structures and their impact on societal dynamics.
– Analysis of cultural diversity, social hierarchies, and their influence on community interactions.
– Evaluation of societal challenges and the role of social institutions in addressing them.
– Understanding the role of social movements in shaping policy and governance.
4 Political Framework and Governance – Study of India’s political framework, including its constitutional foundations and political institutions.
– Analysis of the challenges and dynamics of democratic governance in the Indian context.
– Evaluation of the role of political parties, bureaucracy, and the judiciary in India’s governance.
– Examination of the role of political ideologies and their impact on policy formulation.
5 Socio-Economic Disparities – Examination of socio-economic disparities in India, including income inequality, poverty, and access to resources.
– Analysis of marginalized communities and their struggles for social inclusion.
– Evaluation of policies aimed at reducing socio-economic disparities and promoting inclusive growth.
– Understanding the role of education, healthcare, and social welfare programs in addressing these disparities.
6. International Relations and Global Impact – Understanding India’s role in global geopolitics and international relations.
– Analysis of India’s foreign policy approaches and their impact on its economy and society.
– Assessment of India’s participation in international organizations and its influence on global decision-making.
– Evaluation of India’s contributions to global challenges such as climate change, trade, and security.

“Learning from the Classics” is a transformative course that delves into the timeless wisdom of classical literature, philosophy, and art, fostering critical thinking, cultural understanding, and ethical reasoning. By immersing students in the rich tapestry of ancient texts and artistic masterpieces, this course enables a deep exploration of universal themes, moral dilemmas, and human experiences, providing invaluable insights applicable across various professional domains such as law, education, journalism, and creative arts. Moreover, it cultivates personal growth by instilling empathy, introspection, and a nuanced understanding of human nature, essential for fostering meaningful relationships and ethical leadership. Situated within the broader framework of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, this course contributes to an interdisciplinary approach by promoting cross-cultural dialogue, historical perspectives, and a deep appreciation for the complexities of human societies and individual experiences.

Module Descriptors:

S.No. Topic of the Session Topics to be Covered
1 Ancient Literature Exploration – In-depth exploration of ancient literary masterpieces.
– Analysis of cultural significance and thematic relevance.
– Understanding the historical context of classical texts.
– Interpretation of timeless themes and narratives.
2 Philosophical Insights – Examination of classical philosophical ideas and schools of thought.
– Application of classical philosophies to modern ethical dilemmas.
– Analysis of the influence of classical philosophy on contemporary thinking.
– Critical evaluation of the relevance of ancient philosophical concepts in the modern world.
3 Artistic Expressions – Analysis of classical artworks from diverse cultures and historical periods.
– Exploration of the socio-cultural context of classical art and its impact on modern artistic expressions.
– Understanding the techniques and symbolism used in classical art.
– Interpretation of the enduring messages conveyed through classical art forms.
4. Ethical Reasoning – Understanding ethical frameworks derived from classical texts.
– Application of classical ethical principles in contemporary moral debates.
– Examination of the ethical dilemmas portrayed in classical literature and art.
– Analysis of the implications of classical ethical reasoning on modern society.
5 Cross-Cultural Perspectives – Delving into cross-cultural perspectives offered by classical literature and art.
– Comparison of cultural themes and values across different civilizations.
– Understanding the influence of classical works on global cultural understanding.
– Exploring the universal human experiences depicted in classical texts and artworks.
6. Contemporary Relevance – Connecting classical ideas and narratives to contemporary social, political, and cultural contexts.
– Analysis of the relevance of classical literature and art in addressing modern societal issues.
– Evaluation of the enduring impact of classical works on contemporary thought and culture.
– Understanding the lessons that can be learned from classical texts and artworks for addressing current challenges.

Aligned with the School of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts’ mission of fostering interdisciplinary research and critical thinking, “Electronic Spreadsheets & Applications” integrates technological proficiency with analytical reasoning, catering to the evolving needs of modern research and data-driven exploration within the realm of social sciences. This course offers a comprehensive understanding of electronic spreadsheet software and its practical applications in data analysis, statistical representation, and research facilitation. Students will gain proficiency in utilizing spreadsheet functions, data visualization techniques, and advanced data manipulation tools, vital for careers in research analysis, data management, and policy development. Moreover, this course empowers personal growth by enhancing analytical skills, promoting efficient data organization, and facilitating effective communication through data interpretation, essential for informed decision-making within various social science domains.

Module Descriptors:

S.No. Topic of the Session Topics to be Covered
1 Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheets – Fundamentals of electronic spreadsheet software.
– Data entry, formatting, and basic operations.
– Creating and managing workbooks and worksheets.
– Introduction to data manipulation and analysis.
2 Advanced Functions and Formulas – In-depth exploration of advanced functions and formulas.
– Practical applications for complex data analysis.
– Customizing formulas and utilizing built-in functions.
– Data validation and error checking.
3 Data Visualization Techniques – Utilizing spreadsheet tools for data visualization.
– Creating charts, graphs, and visual representations.
– Designing interactive dashboards.
– Effective communication of data insights.
4 Statistical Analysis with Spreadsheets – Application of spreadsheet software in statistical analysis.
– Hypothesis testing, regression, and data modelling.
– Data interpretation and reporting. – Real-world statistical applications.
5 Database Management – Organizing and managing data through database functionalities.
– Creating, modifying, and querying databases.
– Database relationships and data integration.
– Data security and integrity.
6 Spreadsheet Applications in Research – Applying electronic spreadsheets in research methodologies.
– Data-driven analysis in interdisciplinary research projects.
– Collaborative data management and sharing.
– Effective integration of spreadsheet tools in research practices.

The School of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts serves as a vibrant center for intellectual exploration, providing students with the opportunity to embark on an enriching and transformative educational experience. Providing Emotional Intelligence as a foundation course contributes to a more holistic education that not only prepares students for academic success but also equips them with the emotional and social skills necessary for a well-rounded and fulfilling life.

Emotional intelligence (EI) is of paramount importance in both personal and professional spheres. Studying the course will enable the students to navigate the complex web of human emotions with finesse, fostering better relationships and more effective communication. This self-mastery is critical in making sound decisions, managing stress, and maintaining mental well-being. Moreover, EI allows individuals to recognize and empathize with the emotions of others, paving the way for harmonious interpersonal connections, effective conflict resolution, and successful collaboration. In essence, emotional intelligence is the compass that guides individuals toward fulfillment, resilience, and excellence in both their personal and professional lives.

Module Descriptors:

S.No. Topic of the session Topics to be covered
1 Introduction to Emotional Intelligence Overview of emotional intelligence and its significance
Historical context and key theorists
Differentiating emotional intelligence from IQ
Assessment tools for measuring EI
2 Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation Understanding and identifying one’s emotions
Developing self-awareness and self-reflection
Techniques for emotion regulation and impulse control
Recognizing and managing stress and anxiety
3 Relationship Management Effective communication and active listening
Conflict resolution and negotiation skills
Building and maintaining positive relationships
The role of trust and emotional bonds in relationships
4 Emotional Resilience and Well-Being Developing emotional resilience
Coping with setbacks and adversity
Promoting mental health and well-being
Strategies for work-life balance
5 Applying Emotional Intelligence Practical applications of EI in various contexts
Real-life scenarios and role-playing exercises
Self-assessment and feedback for skill improvement
Developing a personal action plan for enhancing emotional intelligence

Introducing Design Thinking in the School of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts is essential for university students because it provides them with crucial problem-solving, creativity, and empathy skills that have broad applications in both academic and professional settings. It prepares them for a future where innovation, adaptability, and the ability to understand and address complex challenges are highly prized.

Module Descriptors:

S.No. Sessions Topics to be covered
1 Introduction to Design Thinking Definition and principles of design thinking
Historical context and evolution
Design thinking as a problem-solving process
The importance of empathy and user-centered design
2. Empathize – Understanding the User Empathy as the foundation of design thinking
Techniques for understanding user needs and motivations
Conducting user interviews and observations
Creating user personas and empathy maps
3. Design Thinking in Practice Case studies of successful design thinking projects
Real-world applications in various industries
Design thinking in innovation labs and companies
Challenges and limitations of design thinking
4. Design Thinking Tools and Techniques An overview of popular design thinking frameworks (e.g., Stanford
Tools and software for design prototyping and testing
Using design thinking in virtual and remote work environments
Personal reflection on the design thinking process
5 Design Thinking Project Students work on a design thinking project individually or in teams.
Project proposal, progress reports, and final project presentations
Peer feedback and assessment of the design thinking process

Critical thinking and quantitative reasoning are important for university students as they equip them with essential skills for academic success, professional growth, and informed citizenship in an increasingly data-driven and complex world. In light of this, the School of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts aims to inculcate values from this course of lifelong personal and professional development of the students.

Module Descriptors:

S.No. Sessions Topics to be covered
1 Introduction to Critical Thinking Definition of critical thinking
The importance of critical thinking in academia and beyond
Developing a critical thinking mindset
The role of bias and cognitive pitfalls in critical thinking
2 Elements of Critical Thinking Argument analysis and logical reasoning
Identifying assumptions and fallacies
Evaluating evidence and sources
Formulating clear and concise arguments
3 Quantitative Reasoning Fundamentals Introduction to quantitative reasoning
Numeric literacy and mathematical thinking
Data analysis and interpretation
The role of mathematics in various disciplines
4 Quantitative Reasoning Fundamentals Introduction to quantitative reasoning
Numeric literacy and mathematical thinking
Data analysis and interpretation
The role of mathematics in various disciplines
5 Assessing and Improving Critical Thinking and Quantitative Reasoning Skills Self-assessment of critical thinking skills
Strategies for continuous improvement
Developing a personal action plan for skill enhancement
Reflection on the module’s learning outcomes

Literary and Cultural studies are important for students because it promotes cultural understanding, critical thinking, communication skills, and a global perspective. The School of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts ensures to enrich students’ lives, equips them with valuable skills, and prepares them for an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

Module Descriptors:

S.No. Sessions Topics to be covered
1 Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies Overview of key concepts, methodologies, and theorists in the field
Historical development and evolution of literary and cultural studies
The importance of interdisciplinary approaches
Skills development in critical reading and analysis
2 Literary Representations Exploring how literature reflects and constructs cultural identity
Reading and analyzing selected literary texts
Discussion on how literary works depict culture and its evolution
3 Television and Popular Culture Examining the impact of television on cultural representations
Analyzing TV shows, series, and their cultural commentary
Group discussion on the influence of popular culture on society
4 Digital Media and Online Culture Understanding the role of digital media in contemporary culture
Exploring online communities, social media, and viral phenomena
Analyzing the implications of digital culture
5 Final Projects and Presentations Students present their final projects, which involve analyzing a specific cultural representation in literature or media.
Peer evaluations and class discussion on the projects

The foundation course on Environmental Science and Sustainability is essential for the student’s students because it not only imparts knowledge but also fosters a sense of responsibility, ethical awareness, and the skills required to address some of the most critical challenges of our time. The School of Social Sciences and Humanities aims to prepare students for meaningful and impactful careers and equips them to contribute to a more sustainable and just world. The course aims to provide students with a holistic understanding of environmental issues and the tools to address them incorporating scientific principles, ethical considerations, and practical solutions to complex environmental challenges.

Module Descriptors:

S.No. Sessions Topics to be covered
1 Introduction to Environmental Science and Sustainability Definition of environmental science and sustainability
Historical overview of environmental movements
Key environmental challenges and their global impact
The role of science in addressing environmental issues
2 Ecosystems and Biodiversity Introduction to ecosystems and ecological principles
Biodiversity and its importance
Threats to biodiversity (e.g., habitat destruction, invasive species)
Conservation and restoration efforts
3 Energy and Sustainability Energy sources and their environmental impacts
Renewable and non-renewable energy options
Sustainable energy practices and innovations
Energy conservation and efficiency
4 Environmental Policy and Governance Environmental legislation and regulations
International environmental agreements (e.g., Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement)
The role of government, NGOs, and individuals in environmental protection
Case studies of successful environmental policies
5 Environmental Science and Sustainability Projects Students work on individual or group projects related to environmental science and sustainability.
Project proposals, progress reports, and final project presentation

Digital Humanities is a valuable field of study for the students of the School of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts as it equips them with a diverse skill set that includes technology, research, data analysis, and critical thinking. Bridging a gap between the humanities and digital tools, Digital Humanities prepares students for a wide range of academic and professional opportunities while fostering a deeper understanding of human culture and history.

Module Descriptors:

S.No. Sessions Topics to be covered
1 Introduction to Digital Humanities Definition and scope of Digital Humanities
Historical background and evolution
The interdisciplinary nature of the field
Ethical considerations in digital research
2 Text Analysis and Digital Texts Text encoding and markup languages (e.g., XML, TEI)
Text analysis tools and methodologies
Creating and analyzing digital corpora
Close and distant reading techniques
3 Data Visualization and Infographics Principles of data visualization
Tools for creating and interpreting visualizations
Best practices in designing effective infographics
Visualizing humanities data (e.g., historical trends, literary analysis)
4 Digital Archives and Cultural Heritage Building digital archives and repositories
Preservation and digitization of cultural artifacts
Case studies in digital cultural heritage projects
Copyright and intellectual property issues
5 The Future of Digital Humanities Emerging trends in Digital Humanities
AI and machine learning in the humanities
The role of DH in addressing contemporary issues
Student project presentations and discussions
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