Editorial Guidelines


Welcome to the IILM Institutional Style Guide. This style guide updates a living document that guides the voice of the institution and standardises best practices for writing. The voice of the institution reflects our mission in being global, inclusive and responsible.

On Writing at IILM University

Our writing is the first point of interaction with our stakeholders – students, parents, faculty, alumni and staff. At IILM University, we put in a lot of thought into our written communication while reaching out to diverse audiences to ensure that they discover the unique characteristics of the institution.
The writings published by our community reflect our dedication towards maintaining academic excellence and inclusion with a consistent and clear style of communication across all channels.

Editorial guidelines – tone, style and word choice

Our tone of voice is honest, vibrant, smart and authentic. We are focused, down-to-earth and student-focused.

By providing a global perspective, the tone of our copy should have a universal appeal. Being inclusive, our written word should represent the different sections of society and reflect a responsible approach towards promoting social, economic and sustainability through our content.

Our communication style should be formal – speak clearly, simply, and see the world through our audiences’ eyes, thus make our written copy relatable for a wider audience across diverse needs.

Writers are encouraged to communicate our values, focus on the university’s vision and “Freedom to Pursue Your Passion”. Use simple sentences and avoid using long sentences with complex structures. The use of words like “you” and “your” are always preferred while “we” and “us” may be used in formal sentences. Words of encouragement are recommended so as to create a positive statement each time you write.

At IILM, we remain open to American English and British English elements and the natural evolution of the language.

Writing about the University

At IILM University, we encourage authors to highlight our vision of providing global, inclusive and responsible education that allows students the freedom to pursue their passion.

IILM Campuses, Schools, Courses and Centres

When referring to the different IILM campuses and centres, it is essential to refer to them by their complete name. These can subsequently be mentioned in the copy as the institution/university (wherever applicable), the campus, the courses or the centre. It is important to use the complete names of the campus, courses and centres as approved and given on the website. The correct preposition(s) to use when writing about events being held on campus include “at” and “on”.


  • The Centre for Emotional Intelligence held a panel discussion at IILM University Gurugram campus.
  • Mindful of how students in the 21st Century need skills beyond what conventional pedagogies can deliver, IILM University has launched the Centre of Teaching, Research and Learning as one of IILM’s Centres of Excellence, the CTRL is a special space for educators at all levels.
  • The course BA (Hons) Journalism, Media and Communication is a three year full time degree program at IILM University, Gurugram.
  • IILM Law School offers BA LLB (Hons) and BBA LLB (Hons) at the undergraduate level and LLM at the postgraduate level.


  • It is important to have only one spelling for “Centre” while writing about one or all Centres of Excellence.
  • It is essential for any written communication to have the full name of IILM University mentioned in place of IILMU.
  • The use of the word courses is preferred over programs while sharing a list of name of degree courses offered at IILM.
  • While referring to the institution at large, simply IILM can be mentioned
    Example: At IILM, social change is deeply ingrained in our community of business leaders, guiding what we teach in the classroom and how we conduct ourselves in the world.


While mentioning the name of the school at IILM University it is important to mention the correct name and spelling of the school. For this, you could refer to the campus website.

IILM University has five different schools offering a comprehensive set of choices for students to opt, by giving them the flexibility to mold their education as per their goals.

  • IILM Institute for Business and Management
  • School of Humanities & Social Sciences
  • School of Design & Fashion
  • School of Engineering and Technology
  • IILM Law School


The complete list of courses can be found on the website www.iilm.edu


When writing about IILM, writers must ensure correct use of the English language, grammar and avoid misspellings (refer to the Oxford Dictionary’s website or Grammarly) and the writing should not be plagiarised. The content must be reviewed and approved by the Chairperson’s Office or the Director at the given campus before publishing on any public platform.

Media Outreach

Significant events held at IILM may be covered by the media through an article with the description about the particular initiative/event. A few aspects need to be ensured during the event and while developing the article for Press and Press Releases:

  • Word limit 750 -1200 words.
  • At least one or two quotes from the main speaker/Chief Guest/VIPs attending or related to the event or subject. The mention of important or well known names is important for media interest and coverage.
  • If a news report, the first paragraph should be a good synopsis of the event or matter covering important details.
  • Correct spelling of names, designations and organization names of all people quoted and mentioned. Always use Mr/Mrs/Ms/Prof/ Dr/Shri/Shrimati before the names when quoting and mentioning them.
  • A relevant, catchy and meaningful headline must be put at the beginning of the article. Divide the article with relevant sub-headings so it  is easy to check all important points mentioned at one glance
  • Ensure there are no politically, socially or culturally incorrect statements
  • Cross check all the facts and figures mentioned.
  • Important pictures (minimum 1 and maximum 3) from the event or of related important person is usually shared along with press release soon after event ends. For photo caption names of people in the picture can be put from L to R.
  • Edit, proof-read and get it approved by the management before sending.


If at all a media person attends the event he/she should be informed beforehand to not climb up the stage at any point in time.

Contact Communication

In case of any queries related to content or media outreach, please contact the Chairperson’s Office or the Director at the given campus before publishing on any public platform.

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