Prof. Ila Sharma

Ila Sharma is a faculty at the School of Law, IILM, Gurugram. A lawyer by training, shebrings with her the experience of thirty-four plus years in diverse areas – from journalism to law to public relations to development sector to a constitutional body. After retiring as Election Commissioner of Nepal, she has been teaching at IILM, Gurugram for past four years.
While at the Election Commission of Nepal, she chaired the High-level Legal drafting committee for over four years as preliminary Drafts of all electoral laws are prepared by the Election Commission of Nepal. She was instrumental in formulating and teaching a 3-credit post-graduate course on election laws & management for the Election Commission of Nepal in partnership with Kathmandu University and Oslo University.
Earlier in her career, she had been involved in drafting WTO compliant domestic legislation as a consultant for GoN/UNDP, in Rights advocacy, especially the Right to Food at all levels including treaty-making at the UN for organization which has observer status there.


  • Spent three years at Vrije Universiteit Brussel at the Centre for International & European law, Faculty of Law & Criminology, pursuing PhD from 2010 to 2013 on Erasmus Mundus scholarship
  • LLM, International Business law, dissertation on competition law, University of Hull (on Chevening scholarship), UK, 2000
  • LLM, International law, dissertation on international water courses : case of the Mahakali river, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 1997
  • One year Diploma “Proficiency in Journalism”, Nepal Press Institute, Kathmandu,Nepal 1988
  • LLB, Gorakhpur University, India, 1987, 1st rank in university
  • Six months Diploma in Yoga, Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, India
  • BSc, Bio group, Gorakhpur university, India, 1984, distinction
  • Shastri in Sanskrit literature, Sampoornanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi, India 1st div
  • Uttar Madhyama in PracheenVyakaran, Sampoornanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi, India 1st div

Prof Ila Sharma Professor of Law


Apart from frequent articles in daily newspaperslike The Rising Nepal, The Kathamndu Post, My Republica, The Himalayan Times and Kantipur since 1988, she has following publications:

  • A Silent Revolution Happening: Nepal’s Experiment with Inclusive Elections, pp. 19-29 (2020), Voices on South Asia
  • A chapter in The Great March of Democracy: Seven Decades of India’s Elections, edited by Dr. S.Y.Quraishi, published by Penguin books, January 2019
  • Feature articles on development, trade, gender, legal, political and humaninterest issues in (The Kathmandu Post, My Republica, The Himalayan Times, The Rising Nepal English dailies in Nepal) from time to time
  • Co-wrote An Era of Human Rights: International Legal Essays, Chapter XVII,P.447, Property Rights of Women in Nepal, Barmarick Publications, England (Prof. Surya Prasad Subedi)
  • Compiled, co-wrote ‘Nirbachan-2056’ a Handbook on general March 2000 electionsand political situation in Nepal (published by Medialine, The Writeway, for ESP/DFID)

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