Vice Chancellor | Professor
An astute academic, an experienced Vice Chancellor, a thought leader, a leadership coach, and a celebrated author, Dr. Padmakali Banerjee has made path breaking contribution to the academic and curriculum design, skill development and innovative academic processes.
A Doctorate from the University of Delhi, she is the Fellow of Royal Society Arts, London, Fellow of the Somatic Inkblot Society, USA, and WELL Mind Advisor at World Advisory -International WELL Building Institute, New York.
She has made profound impact through innovative and transformative initiatives in higher education with relentless commitment to excellence and a keen understanding of the evolving educational landscape. Having nearly 3 decades of leadership experience as Vice Chancellor, Pro VC and Dean Academics in higher-educational institutions her innovative approach includes the introduction of cutting-edge technologies, fostering innovation, interdisciplinary collaborations, internationalization, and creating a student-centric learning environment. Such institutions have witnessed a remarkable transformation, with the implementation of state-of-the-art research facilities, global curriculum, industry partnerships for the diverse student community. In her earlier tenures she also served as the founder Dean at IILM Gurugram.
Her extensive research portfolio includes books, research papers in national and international journals, spanning diverse fields like telecom, international marketing, FMCG, tourism, hospitality, management, and psychology. She is the author of several acclaimed books, including The Power of Positivity – Optimism and the 7th Sense, published by SAGE, and Inkblot Personality Test: Understanding the Unconscious Mind. She has also been featured in Outlook Spotlight Magazine’s 2022India at 75-The Change Makers of Modern India as an inspirational leader and role model.
n addition, she has created several psychometric tools, such as the Optimism Index, a predictive tool for success, used for screening and training, as well as the LEAPS Wellbeing Scale. As a life coach, she maintains a diverse network of professionals, ranging from creative artists to corporate leaders and policymakers. She has also founded the social enterprise Triarup Foundation dedicated to uplifting and developing of the society.
Her belief in empowering and educating people, particularly women and other marginalized sections of society beckons social change in an inclusive manner through sustainable development and shared progress, and long-term equality and fairness in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). Her commitment towards higher educational goals is through ingenuity, perseverance, and a steadfast commitment to shaping the future of youth through education and mentoring and eclectic pedagogy.