Dr. Hima Gupta has over 31 years of experience across the corporate sector and academia. She has joined IILM University Gurgaon as Professor (Operations). She has worked at LNJ Bhilwara Group and the Bakshi Group of Companies for 10 years and has been teaching for the last 21 years as Faculty in reputed Business Schools. She has worked as Professor and Director – Logistics & Operations Department in Symbiosis University Pune and Indira Institute of Management, Pune. At Jaypee Business School and Indira Institute, she was the Area-Chair, Operations and teaches Quality & Project Management, Operations Management and Advance Decision Sciences. She has also worked as a Program Director (MBA) for the batch 2008 -2010 and conducted numerous FDPs and MDPs including the Start – Up skill workshop (December’2016) and Business Research and Analytics, Competency Development Programme in 2015 and 2016. She has published profusely in Scopus indexed International and National Journals.
She has been actively researching in the domain of the Six Sigma, Health Care Insurance, Balanced Scorecard and World Class Principles for Manufacturing Companies. She also serves on the Editorial Board of several International Journals and Books. Dr. Gupta is the Editor-in-Chief of the IGI Journal of the International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology 2015, jointly organized by the Jaypee Business School, Noida, in association with the University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA.
Qualification & Exprience
- Ph.D (Insurance Management)
- MBA (Operations & Finance) – IMT Ghaziabad
- B.Text (Textile Engineering) – GCTI, Kanpur
- Green Belt Certified – ANNEXAS Bangalore
- Business Analytics through R – IMS Proschool Pune
Selected Works
1. Gupta Hima (2021), “Socio-Economic Well Being of Women Domestic Workers in Pune Region: An Exploratory Study”, International Journal of Social Economics, Emerald Group Publishing, Accepted on 26th July 2021- Indexed in Scopus and ABDC Listed (B Category).
2. Gupta Hima and Koul Saroj (2021), “Leveraging the Balanced Scorecard – A tool for SME Advancement”, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol 11, No 2, pp 1-16, 2021 – ISSN: 2045-0621, Indexed in Scopus
DOI 10.1108/EEMCS-08-2020-0282
3. Gupta Hima and Garg Shweta (2020), “Obesity and Overweight- impact on individual and corporate health”, Journal of Public Health, Springer Publication, Berlin, 28, pp 211 – 218, ISSN 2198 – 1833 (Print) and ISSN 1613 – 2238 (Online) – Indexed in Scopus
4. Gupta Hima (2019), “Estimating the Scope of Recycling Benefits for Hotels in India”, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Systems, Volume 12, Issue No. 1, June 2019, pp 103 – 114, ISSN: 0947 – 6250 (Print) – Scopus Indexed, H – Index = 1
5. Gupta Hima (2018), “Adoption of “Learning Orientation” by SMEs in India: A Case Study”, International Journal of Business and Globalization (IJBG), Volume 21, No.2, Jan 2018, pp 216 -238, Inderscience Publisher, Geneva (Switzerland) —– Indexed in Scopus; SJR = 0.15 AND H- Index= 4; ISSN = 17533627, Score = 1.0
DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2018.094973
6. Gupta Hima and Saroj Koul (2017), A Framework of Construct Architecture, 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017:1, pp: 191, Atlanta, Georgia, August 4-8, 2017. https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/ambpp.2017.12561abstract.
7. Gupta Hima (2017), “Integration of quality and innovation practices for global sustainability: an empirical study of manufacturing organizations”, Global Business Review, Vol 18, Issue – 1, pp 210-225, 1st February’2017. —– Indexed in Scopus (Ranking: 2015 SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) Score: 0.263 | 148/332 Business and International Management (Scopus®) ISSN = 09721509 and ABDC Listed Journal
8. Gupta Hima, Aggarwal Himani, and Gupta Jhumur Sen (2017), “Condition of Unorganized Manufacturing Industries with Special Reference to MSMEs: A Field Study in Uttar Pradesh”, Global Business Review (GBR), Vol 8, Issue 6, pp 1597- 1612, December, 2017 Issue. —– Indexed in Scopus. ISSN = 09721509; 37 Reads. and ABDC Listed Journal
9. Yadav, S. S. K., Gupta, H., & Bandyopadhayay, A. (2015). Selection of a sustainability awareness project in an academic institution using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development, September 2015, 14(3), 205-225, Intellect Publishers, UK, H Index- 4, ISSN – 14742748 —– Indexed in Scopus (Score = 0.8) and ABDC Listed Journal.
10. Gupta, H., (2014), “Quality Platforms for Innovation and Breakthrough”, International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 90-106, ISSN: 1694-2507(Print). —— Indexed in ELSEVIER & Scopus (having impact factor of 0.242)
11. Gupta Hima, Jain Abhishek, Jana Sandeep, Kumar Krishna (2014), “Early Development of UVM based Verification Environment of Image Signal Processing Designs using TLM Reference Model of RTL”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), Bradford, UK, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2014, pp 77-82. ISSN – 2158107X, 2156-5570, —– Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. Score = 0.6
12. Gupta Hima, Jain Abhishek, Gupta Piyush, Dhar Sachish (2013), “Accelerating System Verilog UVM based VIP to improve the methodology for verification of Image signal processing designs using HW Emulator”, International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS), San Antonio, USA Vol.3, No.6, December 2013, pp 13-25, ISSN: 0976 – 1357 (Online); 0976 – 1527 (print)
Publication : AIRCC —– Indexed in DBLP; 3 Citations and 167 Reads.
13. Gupta Hima, Aggarwal Himani, Gupta Jhumur Sen (2013), “Unorganized Manufacturing Industries in Uttar Pradesh: An Empirical Study”, Intl. Journal of Innovative Research & Development (IJIRD), Chhattisgarh, India, Vol. 2, Issue 12, December (Special Issue)’2013, 99 -102, Online ISSN: 2278-0211, Print ISSN: 2278-7631. —— Indexed in DOAJ and BASE.
14. Gupta Hima, Jain Abhishek, Bonanno Giuseppe, Goyal Ajay, (2012), “Generic System Verilog Universal Verification Methodology based Reusable verification Environment for efficient verification of Image Signal Processing (IPS/ SOCS)”, International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS), San Antonio, USA, Vol.3, No.6, December 2012, pp 13-25, ISSN: 0976 – 1357 (Online) ; 0976 – 1527 (print). H Index = 23, —– Indexed in DBLP; 3 Citations and 146 Reads.
15. Gupta Hima & Dixit J R, (2011), “Turnaround Strategy: A Case Study of NTC”, International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management (IJRCM), INDIA, Volume No.2, Issue No.6, pp 75-79, ISSN 0976-2183. —– Indexed & Listed at EBSCO Publishing & Copernicus.
16. Gupta Hima, (2007), “Role of Insurance Industries in Health Care Management”, International journal of Health Care & Quality Assurance, Leeds University, U.K (Vol 21.1), ISSN:09526862, =pub” \o “view all publisher’s journals” ABDC Listed Journal, Scopus 2.0 CiteScore 2020
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, October 2007. —– Indexed in Scopus.
Book and Book Chapters
- Quality Management
- Disaster Management
Sponsored Research Projects
- Study of Women Domestic Workers in Pune region from the perspective of designing a legal framework for them – ICSSR New Delhi for Rs 4 Lacs
- Balanced Scorecard – A status of the Indian MSME – AIMS Research and Fellowship Grant (ARIF), Hyderabad for Rs 1 Lac
- Denim Project – Ministry of Textiles, GOI
- Studying the factors affecting the Quality of Yam Spun from Stock Dyed Polyester Viscose Fibres and finding out means to improve Quality to Meet Export/Domestic
- Demand – – Ministry of Textiles, GOI
- Reduction of Line Losses through Continuous Improvement Tools – 6 Sigma & OEE (GestAmp Pune)
- Critical Chain Project Management through MS Project Software – Bottleneck Reduction – Tata Motors
Symposiums and Conference Conducted
- Organized SCM Conclave in the year 2018 and 2019, invited speakers from Industries and delegates as an attendees.
- Conducted training programmes for industries on the topics viz, artificial intelligence and its use in different industries, machine learning and how useful it is in discovering the pattern of customer purchase and so on so forth.