Dr. Pooja Gupta, Associate Professor at the School of Liberal Arts, ILLM University, India. She has a background in Science and holds a Ph.D. in English literature with fifteen years of teaching and research experience. She is passionate about cutting-edge teaching strategies, developing outcome based curriculum outcome-based curricula and courses that encompass topics including communication, critical thinking, ethics, and language proficiency reading literature, writing and translation studies. Dr. Gupta has a solid research background, has presented over 15 research papers at national and international conferences, published 13 research papers in international journals and also published 3 books by international publishers. She has also demonstrated leadership and teamwork abilities while creating learner-centric courses and acquired honors at state and national levels. On the topics of life skills and consciousness studies, Dr. Gupta has hosted workshops and faculty development initiatives sponsored by AICTE and Govt. of India. For undergraduate students, she has created. She has been working in the areas of Translation and Cultural studies of the Himalayan Literature, Indian Knowledge Systems, especially focusing on Consciousness Studies with Vedic literature perspective.
Educational Qualification
- Ph.D. Degree in English from H.N.B Garhwal University.Awarded in May 2014.
- Post Graduation (M.A) in English from H.N.B Garhwal University, India 2007
- Graduation (B.Sc.) in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics from H.N.B Garhwal University, India
- Intermediate from C.B.S.E Board.
- High School from C.B.S.E Board.
Awards and Recognition
- Received the ‘Teacher of the Year Award’ by UTU and UCOST in 2020
- State level ‘Best Official’ Award from the Yoga Association of Uttrakhand in 2021.
Technical Qualification
A 25-week integrated course certificate “The Virtual Teacher Specialization” offered by the University of California, Irvine.
Research Projects
- As Co-PI, Project titled: “A feasibility study to analyze the possible impact of linkingAdhaar (UID) with mid-day meal: a case-based analysis of two rural primary schools andtwo semi-urban primary schools in Dehradun District” under the UPES-SEED supportprogram, 2017 Jan-2018 March,
- Project title, “Life Skills for Professions: focus on Indian Scriptures teachings’ to conductFDP funded by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy program, 2020 July-December 2020
- Project title, ‘Developing Consciousness: Indian Philosophy perspective’ to conduct FDP funded by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy program, 2021 July-December 2021
- “Nine Tales” translated selected stories of the regional writer of Uttrakhand, published byUniversity Publication House, India. 2022
- “Life Skills in Contemporary Education System: Critical Perspectives”, published by NovaScience International publisher, NY, USA, 2023, April.
- “Life Skills in Contemporary Education System: Exploring Dimensions” published by Nova Science International publisher, NY, USA, (August 2023)
Chapters in Books
- Chapter titled, ‘New-historicist approach to analyze the novel ‘Combat of Shadows’ byMalgonkar’ in book, Multicultural and Marginalized voices of Postcolonial Literaturepublished by Lexington Publishers, ISBN 978-1-4985-4744-4.
- Chapter titled, “Synchronization of Science and Spirituality for holistic development of human civilization” in the book ‘Science, Spirituality and Civilization’, July 2018, ISBN9789386876096
Publication in National and International Journals
- “COVID-19 Pandemic and Changing Dynamics in Teaching and Learning Strategies: A Study of Student-Centric Blended Learning Approach”, Springer published book, Sustainable Blended Learning in STEM Education for Students with Additional Needs, 2023.
- “Integrated LSRW Tools in Language Labs: A Stimulus for Teaching learning Communication Skills in English” UGC indexed Pragati publication’s English Journal Vol.20. June 2020. ISSN 0975-4091.
- ‘Pivotal role of a mother in upbringing of a child: a perspective through Shobha De’s Speed post and Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things’ published in IJELLH UGC approved journal, December 2018. ISSN 2321-7065
- “Teaching Professional Ethics: Comparative Analysis between Blended and Online Learning. The Criterion.0976-8165. 2017.
- “Blended-Learning: Blackboard as an Asset for Effective English Teaching and Learning Practices. The ELT Practitioner 4(2).2349-2155. 2017.
- “Feministic Qualities in the Heroines of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. Daath Voyage, 1(4), 22- 28, 2016, 2455-7544
- “Decoding Cultural Crisis among Anglo-Indians during Colonial Period in India: A Perspective from Combat of Shadows. The Criterion, 7(3), 105-123, 2016. 0976-8165
- An insight into princely states of India: New-historicist approach. Daath Voyage: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in English, 1(3), 1-33.ISSN 2455-7544.
- Socio-Political Milieu of The Devil’s Wind: The Revolt of 1857.International Journal of Multifaceted and Multilingual Studies.3(8).
- Tradition and Contemporaneity in the novels of Bhabani Bhattacharya with special reference to So Many Hunger. International Journal of English language, literature and translation studies (ijelr) 3(3). 237-246.
- “Voicing Human Rights through Literature”. International Transactions in Humanities and Social Sciences.,5 (1). 45-48.
- “Socio-historical milieu in the novels of Manohar Malgonkar”. Indian Text and Context.64 66.
Conference Chair
- Panel presentation at National Seminar, Cremation-Exploring Religious and Cultural Diversity organized by South African Cemeteries Association, May 5, 2022.
- Session Chair at the International Conference ‘Recent Trends in Teaching Learning Practices in Languages, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences’ ICRTTP-2022organized by School of Advanced Sciences and Languages VIT Bhopal, 10-11 Nov 2022.
- Session Chair at the 2nd Global University System International Academic Summit, “Transformation for Future-Proof Education” on 31st March-1st April 2023.
- Panel Discussion on ‘Indian Knowledge Systems in Higher Education’ organized by PRODIGY, Technical chapter of Computer Science, UPES, 29 April 2023.
- Guest Speaker at G20 S20 summit at IIT MANDI, HP, June 2023.Conferences/Seminars
Research Papers Presented at Conferences
- Presented paper, “Learning Art of Resilience from the Bhagavad Gita during COVID-19crisis” at International Conference on “Human Resilience in the Times of Crisis” held on26th and 27th May 2020, organized by St. Johns College Agra.
- Presented paper ‘Shifting paradigm of higher education to online teaching-learning duringCOVID-19” at 2 day National Seminar on ‘Empowering Education System in COVID 19Pandemic by RSMS College Varanasi AICTE on 2 May 2020.
- Paper presented, “Maintaining Mental Health amidst COVID-19 crisis: An Analytical Study” at International Conference on Yoga on 26 April sponsored by Indian Yoga Association organized by Novyaga Association.
- Presented paper titled, “Post-feminist analysis of the heroines of Indian Cinema’ at the National Seminar “The Female Voice / Gaze in the Indian Cinematic Imagination ”organized by Bharati College, Delhi University, on 2nd-3rd April 2019.
- Presented paper titled, “Quick pick versus substantial literature: a case study of Engineering students” at National Seminar organized by MAS College, Delhi University,15-16 January 2019.
- Presented paper titled, “Synchronization of Spirituality and Science for holistic development of human civilization” at International Conference organized by IIT Roorkee, Noida campus, January 2018.
- Presented paper ‘New-historicist outlook to analyze novels of Malgonkar’ at Karori Mal College Delhi University, March 2017.
- Presented paper at International Conference, ‘Recent Advances in computer sciences, e learning, Information, & communication technology” on 25 Feb 2017 at Jawahar Lal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
- Organizing Committee member of International Conference MAGIC’2016 at UPES.
- Organized NAAC-sponsored National Seminar on “Role of IQAC in Enhancing Quality of Teaching and Evaluation Process” at SGRR PG College, Dehradun on 9-10th Oct 2015.
- Presented a paper titled “Importance of Innovative Techniques in Teaching and Learning Communication” in the National Seminar organized by IQAC, SGRR PG College, 9th-10thOct 2015.
- Part of Organizing Committee of CPC, UPES for an International Conference on “Methods, Aesthetics & Genres in English Communication” held on 4th-5th April 2014.
- Presented a paper entitled “Voicing Human Rights through Literature” in the National Seminar organized by DBS PG College in collaboration with Human Rights Commission on 14th-15th, Feb 2014.
- Attended the symposium on “Equality & Social Justice in the 21st Century” organized by DBS PG College, Dehradun, on 6th March 2013.
- Participated in National Seminar on “Women Empowerment” held on 18th Jan 2013 in SGRR PG College, Dehradun.
- Presented a paper titled “Projecting Human Rights through Literature” at National Seminar on “Human Rights and Managerial Skills” organized by SMJN College, Haridwar on 27-28th January 2013.
- Attended a National Seminar on “Socio-Cultural Paradigms in Post-Independence Indian English Drama” organized by N.A.S College, Meerut (U.P) on 1-2 Dec 2012
- Attended a National Seminar on “India: Two Decades of Economic Liberalization-Growthand Governance” organized by Doon University, Dehradun on 18-19th Nov, 2011
- Presented a paper titled “Socio-historical milieu in the novels of Manohar Malgonkar” at National Seminar on “Indian Text and Context” organized by Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya on 13-14th Oct, 2011.