Assistant Professor
Dr. Aarti Tewari has wide experience in research and teaching. She has done her graduation (B.Sc.) and post-graduation (M.Sc.) from Delhi University. Her Ph.D. is from Delhi Technological University and her thesis topic was ‘Study on the effect of plasma parameters and catalyst on growth and field emission properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs)’. She has 4.5 years of experience as a post-doctoral fellow. She has worked as an Institute Post-Doctoral Fellow [IPDF] (Second Best Post-Doctoral Fellowship in India) at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi for three years. Prior to this, she was awarded the National Post-Doctoral Fellowship by Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology (SERB-DST), Govt. of India which she carried out at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. She has 14 research publications in journals of International repute [Physics of Plasmas (AIP), Plasma Processes and Polymers, Journal of Plasma Physics, Canadian Journal of Physics, and Plasma Research Express]. She has 5+ years of teaching experience in regular and guest faculty mode at various institutes. She has worked at IIT Delhi, IIMT group of colleges, Vivekananda College of Delhi University, SGT university, and Delhi Technological University. She is an active reviewer of many world class journals such as Physics of Plasmas (AIP, USA), Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties (IOP), Materials Research Express(IOP), Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing(Springer), Materialia (Elsevier).