B. Sc. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. Programme

DURATION: 3 + 1 Years
ELIGIBILITY: 10+2 (Science Stream) level from any recognized board in India or Overseas with at least 50% marks in aggregate.


Our Bachelor of Science (Hons.) and B.Sc. programs have been carefully crafted to equip students with the technical versatility and competencies required to thrive in the ever-evolving world of scientific work. These programs integrate the principles of liberal arts, incorporating a comprehensive understanding of the social, political, and economic factors that intersect with scientific disciplines. This holistic approach allows students to grasp the intricate relationship between their specialized scientific knowledge and the broader human experience.
Our programs feature a thoughtfully curated combination of courses that provide students with a profound understanding of their chosen scientific disciplines, while also fostering an appreciation for the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge. Beyond that, we empower them with the ability to apply their knowledge in various contexts, including the socio-political, economic, psychological, legal, and all other aspects that shape human development. This approach not only enriches their scientific expertise but also encourages a well-rounded perspective that is crucial in addressing complex real-world challenges.
At IILM, we cultivate students’ skills to observe, contemplate, evaluate, and critically analyze the scientific and technological landscape and its profound impact on society. Our mission is to prepare students not only to understand these dynamics but also to respond to them efficiently and effectively, drawing on the ethos of liberal arts education that encourages intellectual curiosity, adaptability, and a nuanced understanding of the interconnected world.

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Year-wise Curriculum Overview

B.Sc. (Hons.) programme at IILM School of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts
Embark on a journey of scientific discovery with our uniquely designed B.Sc. (Hons.) programme. This comprehensive curriculum provides students with essential foundational knowledge and courses, enabling them to delve into research and practical applications across diverse scientific disciplines.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Knowledge Base: Acquire a profound grasp of scientific frameworks with specialized electives like Biomedical Ethics, Environmental Law, and Advanced Forensic Analysis. This comprehensive approach enables critical evaluation, administration, analysis, and interpretation of scientific intricacies, fostering a holistic understanding of their individual and interconnected applications.
  • Internship Opportunities: Open doors to a multitude of career pathways through internships with esteemed software firms, scientific think tanks, and cutting-edge labs. Immerse yourself in real-world applications and hands-on experiences.
  • Holistic Learning Approach: Our integrated B.Sc. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. programme curriculum, combined with effective internship programs, equips students to seamlessly apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.
  • Pathways to Further Education: Upon programme completion, you’ll possess the expertise and proficiency to pursue advanced studies not only in core scientific subjects, but also in related fields, expanding your horizons.

Programme USP's

Our B.Sc. (Hons.) programme goes beyond science, opening doors to a world of opportunities in law, humanities, and more. It serves as the foundation for future studies, research, and practical applications in diverse fields.

What Sets Our programme Apart-:

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Our programme seamlessly blends science, law, and humanities, providing students with a unique cross-disciplinary perspective that is essential for the modern, dynamic world.
  • Transferable Skills: Beyond scientific knowledge, we equip our students with a spectrum of transferable skills highly sought after by future employers. Communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and analytical abilities are honed to perfection.
  • Mathematical Proficiency: We believe in the power of mathematics as a universal language. Our programmelays a strong foundation in mathematical techniques, essential for success in various scientific disciplines.

Admission Eligibility Criteria/ Procedure

Admission to B.Sc. (Hons.)/B.Sc. programme is made based on the merit followed by an interview.

List of Pure Majors under B.Sc. (Hons)/ B.Sc. Programme.

Elevate your mathematical acumen with our comprehensive undergraduate mathematics programme. Explore the beauty of numbers, problem-solving, and advanced mathematical concepts, unlocking a world of analytical possibilities.

The B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics program is a rigorous exploration of the fundamental principles of mathematics and its wide-ranging applications, equipping students with a profound understanding of problem-solving and quantitative reasoning. This course benefits students both professionally and personally by honing their analytical abilities and logical thinking, enabling them to excel in a diverse array of fields, from science and engineering to finance, data analysis, and computer science.

Beyond career prospects, the program fosters a deep appreciation for the beauty of mathematical structures and the ability to tackle complex problems, promoting intellectual growth and adaptability. As a key component of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, A B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics Program encourages interdisciplinary thinking and a broad perspective on the world. It cultivates transferable skills such as critical thinking, data analysis, and precision in communication.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 Calculus and Analysis Study of motion, force, and energy in physical systems, including Newton’s laws.
2 Linear Algebra Exploration of electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetic waves, including Maxwell’s equations.
3 Discrete Mathematics Examination of temperature, entropy, and the behaviour of matter at the microscopic level.
4 Probability and Statistics Introduction to quantum physics, wave-particle duality, and the behaviour of subatomic particles.
5 Number Theory Study of wave phenomena, interference, diffraction, and the properties of light.
6 Advanced Mathematics Exploration of relativity, nuclear physics, and the standard model of particle physics.
7 Mathematical Modelling Examination of the properties of crystalline solids, electronic behaviour, and semiconductor physics.
8 Senior Seminar in Mathematics Study of the universe, including stellar and galactic systems, cosmological theories, and the big bang.

Dive into the digital frontier with our cutting-edge undergraduate computer science programme. Develop coding expertise, master algorithms, and embrace innovation to shape the future of technology.

The Computer Science (B.Sc. Hons.) program is a comprehensive exploration of the theories, algorithms, and practical applications that underlie the world of computing and technology. This course benefits students both professionally and personally by equipping them with the skills and knowledge to innovate, develop, and navigate the rapidly evolving field of computer science. Graduates emerge as adept software engineers, data analysts, cybersecurity experts, and problem solvers, prepared for careers in technology, software development, artificial intelligence, and more.

Beyond career prospects, the program fosters critical thinking, logical reasoning, and adaptability, nurturing individuals who can excel in the digital age. As a key part of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, Computer Science (B.Sc. Hons.) encourages interdisciplinary thinking and a broad perspective on the impact of technology on society. It also cultivates transferable skills such as coding, algorithm design, problem-solving, and collaboration.

The Computer Science (B.Sc. Hons.) program not only prepares students for careers in the tech industry but also nurtures problem solvers, innovators, and adaptable thinkers who can thrive in a world increasingly shaped by technology. It equips graduates with skills and knowledge that are valuable in numerous professional contexts and fosters the ability to contribute to and understand the digital transformation of society.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 Introduction to Programming Fundamentals of programming, problem-solving, and algorithm design in various languages.
2 Data Structures and Algorithms Study of data organization, sorting, searching, and algorithm analysis.
3 Computer Architecture Exploration of computer hardware, organization, and the relationship to software.
4 Software Engineering Principles of software design, development methodologies, and project management.
5 Databases and Information Systems Examination of database design, management, and information retrieval.
6 Artificial Intelligence Introduction to AI concepts, machine learning, natural language processing, and neural networks.
7 Cybersecurity and Network Security Study of security principles, cryptography, and network protection strategies.
8 Web Development Practical skills in web design, development, and deployment, including front-end and back-end development.

Unleash the secrets of the universe with our prestigious undergraduate Physics programme. Explore the fundamental laws of nature, conduct groundbreaking experiments, and pioneer innovations in science.

The Physics (B.Sc. Hons.) program is a deep dive into the fundamental laws governing the physical universe, offering students a profound understanding of the natural world and the tools to explore it. This course benefits students both professionally and personally by fostering analytical thinking, problem-solving, and an ability to comprehend complex phenomena. Graduates emerge as physicists, engineers, researchers, and educators, prepared for careers in aeronautics, astrophysics, engineering, and beyond.

Beyond career prospects, the program instils a deep appreciation for the beauty of the natural world and the ability to grapple with some of the universe’s most profound questions. As a fundamental component of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, Physics (B.Sc. Hons.) encourages interdisciplinary thinking and a holistic perspective on the natural world. It also cultivates transferable skills such as critical thinking, data analysis, mathematical modelling, and precision in communication.

The Physics (B.Sc. Hons.) program not only prepares students for careers in scientific research and technology but also nurtures inquisitive and critical thinkers, who can make a meaningful impact on our understanding of the natural world. It equips graduates with transferable skills applicable to a variety of fields and fosters an appreciation for the intricate laws that govern the universe.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 Classical Mechanics Study of motion, force, and energy in physical systems, including Newton’s laws.
2 Electromagnetism Exploration of electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetic waves, including Maxwell’s equations.
3 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Examination of temperature, entropy, and the behaviour of matter at the microscopic level.
4 Quantum Mechanics Introduction to quantum physics, wave-particle duality, and the behaviour of subatomic particles.
5 Optics and Waves Study of wave phenomena, interference, diffraction, and the properties of light.
6 Modern Physics Exploration of relativity, nuclear physics, and the standard model of particle physics.
7 Solid State Physics Examination of the properties of crystalline solids, electronic behaviour, and semiconductor physics.
8 Astrophysics and Cosmology Study of the universe, including stellar and galactic systems, cosmological theories, and the big bang.

Experience the magic of molecules and reactions in our distinguished undergraduate Chemistry programme. Master the art of chemical discovery, research, and innovation, forging a path to scientific excellence.

The Chemistry (B.Sc. Hons.) program is a comprehensive exploration of the science that underpins the composition, structure, and properties of matter, offering students a profound understanding of the natural world and the tools to transform it. This course benefits students both professionally and personally by fostering analytical thinking, problem-solving, and an ability to understand and manipulate matter at the molecular level. Graduates emerge as chemists, researchers, educators, and analytical scientists, prepared for careers in pharmaceuticals, chemical engineering, environmental science, and beyond.

Beyond career prospects, the program instils a deep appreciation for the beauty of chemical processes and the ability to innovate, discover, and contribute to solving global challenges. As a fundamental component of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, Chemistry (B.Sc. Hons.) encourages interdisciplinary thinking and a holistic perspective on the natural world. It also cultivates transferable skills such as critical thinking, data analysis, laboratory techniques, and precision in communication.

The Chemistry (B.Sc. Hons.) program not only prepares students for careers in scientific research, industry, and healthcare but also nurtures critical thinkers who can contribute to understanding and addressing complex challenges in the natural world. It equips graduates with transferable skills applicable to a variety of fields and fosters an appreciation for the intricacies of matter and its transformations.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 General Chemistry Introduction to the principles of chemistry, atomic structure, chemical reactions, and stoichiometry.
2 Organic Chemistry Study of the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds.
3 Inorganic Chemistry Exploration of the chemistry of inorganic compounds, coordination complexes, and main group elements.
4 Physical Chemistry Examination of the principles of thermodynamics, kinetics, quantum mechanics, and spectroscopy.
5 Analytical Chemistry Study of chemical analysis techniques, including chromatography, spectrometry, and electrochemistry.
6 Biochemistry Introduction to the chemistry of biological molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, and metabolism.
7 Environmental Chemistry Exploration of environmental issues, including pollution, toxicology, and sustainable chemistry.
8 Chemical Research Methods Training in laboratory research techniques, experimental design, and scientific communication.

Embark on a journey of life sciences in our premier undergraduate Biology programme. Explore the intricate web of living organisms, conduct research, and cultivate a deep understanding of nature’s mysteries.

The Biology (B.A. Hons.) course comprehensively examines the fundamental principles and complexities of life sciences, fostering a profound understanding of biological systems and their interconnectedness with the global environment. It equips students with a multifaceted skill set that serves as a solid foundation for a diverse array of careers in healthcare, environmental conservation, biotechnology, and scientific research. Additionally, this program instills a deep appreciation for the natural world, encouraging personal growth through a heightened awareness of ecological interconnectedness and the importance of biodiversity conservation. As part of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, this program integrates the study of biology with ethical, social, and cultural considerations, fostering critical thinking and a holistic perspective on the impact of biological research on society.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 Cell Biology Explores the structure and function of cells, emphasizing cellular processes and their implications for human health and disease.
2 Ecology and Conservation Investigates ecological principles, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable practices, with a focus on global environmental challenges.
3 Genetics and Evolution Examines the principles of heredity and genetic variation, elucidating the mechanisms of evolutionary processes and their implications for diverse life forms.
4 Physiology and Anatomy Analyses the functions and structures of organisms, elucidating the interplay between physiological systems and the maintenance of homeostasis.
5 Microbiology Studies microorganisms and their impact on human health, industry, and the environment, with an emphasis on microbial diversity and its applications.
6 Research Methods in Biology Introduces students to various research methodologies and experimental techniques used in contemporary biological investigations.
7 Bioinformatics Provides an overview of computational tools and techniques for analysing biological data, facilitating the understanding of complex biological systems.
8 Biotechnology Explores the application of biological processes and living organisms in the development of innovative technologies and their societal implications.

Explore law and forensic sciences in our BSc program, emphasizing the vital role of legal studies. Master legal principles to contribute effectively to justice and investigation, understanding the crucial interplay between science and the legal system in complex real-world scenarios. Benefit from a diverse range of courses covering criminal law, forensic techniques, and more.

The Legal Studies (B.A.Hons.) program is a multidisciplinary exploration of the intricate interplay between law and science, offering students a deep understanding of the legal system, investigative techniques, and the nexus of justice and technology. This course benefits students both professionally and personally by equipping them with the knowledge and skills to pursue careers in law enforcement, criminal justice, legal advocacy, and forensic analysis. Graduates emerge as forensic scientists, legal experts, crime analysts, and investigative professionals, prepared for a diverse array of careers in the public and private sectors.

Beyond career prospects, the program fosters a deep appreciation for the complexities of the legal and forensic landscape, promoting problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and an understanding of the ethical and moral dimensions of justice. As an integral part of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, Legal Studies (B.Sc. Hons.) encourages interdisciplinary thinking and a holistic perspective on the social and legal issues facing society. It also cultivates transferable skills such as critical analysis, investigative techniques, legal research, and precise communication. The Legal Studies (B.Sc. Hons.) program prepares students for careers in legal and investigative fields, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to navigate the complex intersection of law and science. It also fosters ethical awareness, problem-solving skills, and precision in thinking, making graduates valuable contributors to the pursuit of justice and the resolution of complex legal and forensic issues.

Course Modules:

S.No. Module Title Description
1 Introduction to Legal Studies and Forensic Sciences An overview of the legal system, forensic methods, and the role of science in law enforcement.
2 Criminal Law and Procedures Study of criminal statutes, court procedures, and legal principles in the criminal justice system.
3 Forensic Evidence Analysis Exploration of forensic techniques, including evidence collection, analysis, and interpretation.
4 Cybercrime and Digital Forensics Examination of cybercrime, digital investigation, and the legal challenges of the digital age.
5 Forensic Pathology and Medicine Study of the role of forensic pathologists, medical examinations, and death investigations.
6 Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Exploration of legal ethics, professional responsibility, and moral dilemmas in the field.
7 Crime Scene Investigation Training in crime scene management, evidence preservation, and investigative techniques.
8 Legal Research and Writing Development of legal research skills, case analysis, and effective legal writing.

List of Interdisciplinary Minors under B. Sc. (Hons)/ B.Sc. Programme

Data Sciences & Analytics
Unlock the power of data in our cutting-edge undergraduate Data Sciences and Analytics programme. Master data-driven decision-making, machine learning, and insights that drive innovation and success.

Statistics and Mathematical Modelling
Excel in quantitative analysis with our esteemed undergraduate programme. Dive deep into statistics and mathematical modelling, acquiring skills crucial for informed decision-making in today’s data-driven world.”

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
Master the frontier of technology with our distinguished undergraduate programme. Harness the potential of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, driving innovation and shaping the future of industries.

Unveil the complexities of criminology in our renowned undergraduate programme. Explore the psychology, sociology, and law behind criminal behavior, and lead the way to a safer society.

Join the future of technology with our cutting-edge undergraduate programme. Explore Robotics Sciences, master automation, and innovate in a world where machines and humans collaborate seamlessly.

Sustainable Agriculture
Transform agriculture for a sustainable future. Our undergraduate programme equips you with innovative techniques, ecological practices, and business acumen to lead in sustainable farming and agri-business.

Ask Admissions staff all your questions
For PGDM/MBA Applicants
Nivedita Ghosh Roy
For the Undergraduate and MA Applicants
Aastha Kaushal
Admissions Open for 2025
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