Dr Satish Kumar is a faculty of Marketing Management at IILM, Gurugram. He comes with an enriching experience of 22+years including 19 years of industry experience and has been teaching since past 03 years. Dr Satish has a keen interest in Market Research, Digital Marketing & New Media. He has published various research papers& presented in Conferences related to this area. Additionally, his area of research interest includes areas of New Media and the implementation of Modern technology in Education.
Key Skills (Industry): Over 19 years’ experience in Market Research, Channel Sales with proficiency through agency & retail network, Logistics & Distribution management, Retail Operations, Business development, BTL & Brand activation etc. with brands like Sify, AC-Delco(General Motors)& having a rich experience to work for almost 100 titles in Print Media industry Circulation domain with publishers like India Today, Outlook, Media Transasia, Open Media, Delhi Press, Haymarket sac Publishing etc.
Key Skills (Academics-Teaching): Prior to IILM University, Gurugram, Dr. Satish has worked with Chandigarh University& few other institutions like Karnavati University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat & PIET, Panipat. He has been into teaching for past 03-year & taught various subjects at Post Graduate & Undergraduate level such as Marketing Management, Principles of Management, Digital Marketing, Marketing Research, Entrepreneurship, Business Research Methods, Business Statistics, Business Analytics, Integrated Marketing Communication, Services Marketing & Human Behaviour at Work etc.
Key Skills (Past administrative exposure in Academics): Academic Coordinator, IIC Coordinator, ERP-in-charge, Coordinator-Placement, Industry visit, industry connect programmes.