Dr Namita Dixit is a prolific academician and researcher. She completed her PhD (International Business) from Lucknow University in the year 2004. Having experience of over 25 years in the industry, including six years in corporate, Xerox Corporation, USA, she works in strategy building for startups, NGOs, Institution Building, Accreditation Committee and Administration.
Dr Namita Dixit has submitted and presented research papers at various international and national conferences. These have been published in various journals, magazines and proceedings. Also organized various International Conferences, Business Summits and Symposiums for the institutes. Spearheading the International Business specialization, she collaborated with several universities and institutes in the US, Europe and the Middle East like IDRAC Business School, AISEC, Valparaiso University, GIIM and many more. She has also chaired technical sessions in various National & International Seminars/Conferences at various prestigious forums.
Ph.D., International Business, Lucknow University, Lucknow (2004)
– Topic: A study of Export Financing in Indian Context
MBA (International Business), Lucknow University, Lucknow (1997)
Dixit, Dr. Namita published a text book titled, ‘Strategic Management in the Digital Age: A New Paradigm having ISBN: 978-81-19585-18-2 with Parab Publications, an ISO Certified International Publisher Incorporated under the Acts of Labour Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, India. The organization is also registered with the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India and has Country Representative / Branches in Malaysia, Indonesia, Dubai, Nigeria, Montenegro, Iraq, Egypt, Thailand, Uganda, Philippines and Indonesia
Dixit, Dr. Namita published an edited book title, ’ Leading the Future: Progressive Approaches to Modern Management’.‘ISBN: 978-93-93810-89-2withEmpyreal Publishing House [EPH] in September2023.
Dixit, Dr. Namita published an book title, Unleashing the Potential of Technology’.‘ISBN; 978-81-19481-13-2 withIARA Publication in July 2023.
Dixit, Dr. Namita published an edited book title, ’Technological Innovation in Digital Workplaces across Continents’.‘ISBN;978-81-959870-0-9 with NexGen Publications in November 2022.
Dixit, Dr. Namita published a book title, ‘Interdisciplanary Research in the Current Era ISBN;978-93-93810-02-1 with Empyreal Publishing House in August 2022
Dixit, Dr. Namita published a book titled, ‘Convergence of Social Innovation and Digital Transformation in Business’ having an ISBN: 978 -81-928555-5-4 by Cengage Publishing House India Pvt ltd headquartered in Boston, MA with an office hub located in San Francisco, CA.
Dixit, Dr. Namita edited a book titled ‘International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research’havingan ISSN 2394-7780
Contributed a chapter titled ‘A rational Analysis of Digital Intelligence in Boosting International Tradein the edited book “Digitalisation & Innovations in Business” having ISBN: 978-81-944813-1-7 by Empyreal Publishing House, is available on publisher’s website www.editedbook.in
Contributed a chapter titled ‘A rational Analysis of Digital Intelligence in Boosting International Trade in the edited book “Digitalisation & Innovations in Business” having ISBN: 978-81-944813-1-7 published by Empyreal Publishing House and is available on publisher’s website www.editedbook.in
Research Papers
Dixit, Namita Published research paper titled ‘An Analytical Study on Association Between Job Satisfaction, Burnout, Work-Related Stress and Work Environment Among IT sector employees’ in Pacific Business Review International Journal which is a refereed monthly International Journal of Management Indexed with Web of Science (ESCI) having Impact factor (SJIF) of 8.603 ISSN:0974-438X RNI No. RAJENG/2016/70346 Postal Reg. No. RJ/UD/29-136/2017-2019. http://www.pbr.co.in/2024/February.aspx
Dixit, Namita published research paper titled, ‘Applications of Blockchain Technology and Crypto Currencies: Current Practice and Future Trends’ International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering Scopus index ISSN: 2147-6799 Volume 12, No 4S (2024) https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/issue/view/108 Article Link https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/3749
Dixit, Namita Published research paper in titled. ‘Population Growth In North East India: A ScenarioAnalysis’Published in International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, ISSN 1308-5581 Vol14 No.5 in August 2022 DOI: DOI: 10.9756/INTJECSE/V14I5.957.Web of Science/ESCI Journal/UGC Care Group-II
Dixit, Namita Published research paper in titled. ‘Role of Social Media in Retail Network Operationsand marketing to Enhance Satisfaction: An Analytical Approach published in Pacific Business Review (International) Volume14 issue5 November 2021. http://www.pbr.co.in/2021/Novenber.aspxhttp://www.pbr.co.in/2021/2021_month/November/13.pdf
Dixit, Namita, published research paper titled, “A Study of Export Import Bank of India as a Specialized Financial Institution for Export Promotion in India” in Indian Journal of Economics and Business ISSN0972-5784Q2 Vol.20 No.2 Scopus (July-December.2021) http//www.ashwinanokha.com/ijeb-vol20-2-2021.php Elseviers indexed International Journal available https://www.scopus.com/dourceid/21100944119.
Dixit, Namita,(August 2021) Published the research paper titled, ‘An Analysis of how Corporates cope with their Finances in Covid-19 Crisis’ in an international Journal of Economics’ Emprical Economics Letters ISSN 1681-8997 Indexed in EconLit and included in Cabell’s Directory. Further, ERAaccredited and included in ABDC ‘C’ category journal quality list. Moreover, endorsed in Publons which is a part of Web of Science Group Special Issue on Innovative Research in Management, Social Science and Humanities in Vol.20 Special Issue2 August 2021 Journal Link: http://www.eel.my100megs.com Special Issue link: http://www.eel.my100megs.com/volume-20-number-august-2-special-issue.htm
Dixit, Namita (Aug 2021) Published Research paper titled , “A Study on Potential Challenges on the Educational System During COVID-19’has been published in Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry. The paperis published in Vol12, No6, 2021. https://www.tojqi.net/index.php/journal/issue/view/48/ScopusIndex
Dixit Namita, published a research paper titled,’ An Analysis of Green Products Development and Marketing Initiatives by Corporate Houses across the Continent’ in the Q3 Scopus, Elseviers indexed in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol.29,No.11s,(2020),pp.2263-2270inJune2020.Also indexed in EBSCO, ProQuest, ULRICH, J-Gate, OAJI.
DixitNamita, Presented and Published the research paper titled, ‘A Study of Relationship Marketing in Global Marketing Mix,’ in the International Conference organized by Institute of technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, GZB on the Topic, ‘Convergence of Social Innovation and Digital Transformation in Business’ on 5-6 April2019 Published in online journal ‘International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, ISSN 2394-7780 Volume 6, Issue 2 (IV) April-June 2019, UGC approved Impact Factor7.36.
Dixit Namita, Presented and Published the research paper titled, ‘Study the role of Green Marketing in Indian Consumer Perception& Intention’. in the International Conference organized by Institute of technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, GZB on the Topic, ‘Convergence of Social Innovation and Digital Transformation in Business’ on 05th – 06th April 2019 Published in online journal ‘ International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, ISSN 2394-7780 Volume 6, Issue 2 (IV) April-June 2019, UGC approved ImpactFactor7.36.
Dixit Namita, Presented and Published the research paper titled, ‘Drivers of Employee Engagement and Its impact on Organizational Success-A Case Study’ .in the International Conference organized by Institute of technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, GZB on the Topic, ‘ Convergence of Social Innovation and Digital Transformation in Business’ on 05th – 06th April 2019.
Contributed a Research paper titled, ‘ A study on Sustainable Solid Waste Management among Developing Countries in the international Conference Organised by IIIM, ICMIT2017 Transforming India: Initiatives, Challenges and Road Ahead on 28-29 April 2017
Dixit, Namita, Presented and Published a paper titled, A Study of Consumer Behaviour in Insurance Industry in the International Conference organized by Institute of Technology and Science, MohanNagar, Ghaziabad
Dixit, Namita, Presented and Published a paper titled, ‘A Study of Insurance Boom in India’ in the UGC sponsored national Conference on Emerging Issues in International Trade in Post Recession Period on 22-23 Feb 2016 at Deen Dayal Upadhyay College University of Delhi.ISSN:978-93-85144-80-6 and Shivalik Prakashan
Dixit, Namita, Presented and Published a paper titled ‘Role of Banking System towards Inclusive and Sustainable Development In India’ in the World Congress on Advance
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